Bane Perez

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Author's Note:
(LF/S) is short for your Least Favorite Subject!
This was quite short so I drew a little scene of you and Bane hugging!
Forgive me if the story is bland :'( I have no idea what the story plot would be for Bane's...

An ordinary morning yet again.
The games have been pushed back, and the vacation has begun much earlier than planned.
Most people at the manor go about their daily lives while having a great time.
Bane the Gamekeeper, on the other hand, is shown here lounging by himself in front of a fire.
Though you occasionally worry about his well-being, he prefers to simply stay alone.
You've been putting off talking to him until today, when you finally plucked up the courage to do so, even for a short interaction.

Bane often goes to the library to read books and loosen up, so you made your way there.
You began to look around as you opened the double doors.
You wandered hesitantly towards the very climax of the library.

There, you saw him.
He was sitting in one of the many leather chairs, engrossed in a book.
He looked up at you and immediately dropped his book on the table in front of him.

You wave your hand and say,


To begin the conversation.
He raised his hand and waved back, but he then returned his attention to the book he was reading.

It had been eerily quiet for a while and the atmosphere seemed off.
You keep smiling and clear your throat, asking,

"M- may I stay for a little while? I also want to read books."

Bane took a moment to think before finally agreeing to let you read beside him.
You gleefully take a seat next to him and open up a book you picked up off the floor.

Before looking at the title, you wipe off the dust on the book.
You widened your eyes as you read the subject's name. (LF/S)?! Of all subjects, why (LF/S)? Before opening the book and pretending to read the first page, you sighed in frustration in your head.
You begin to 'read' as you watched him from the corner of your eye.
He was clearly absorbed in his own world as he traced the words and patterns along the page.
You decided that it was best not to disturb him.

He read the book for around ten minutes, before finally shutting the book.
When he turned to glance at you, you were on the verge of dozing off.
He chuckled silently before he patted your head.
He laughed as you recoiled from the action.

"How was your quick nap?"

"I- It was pleasant, I suppose."

You embarrassingly scratch your head.
Bane hummed, placing the book back where it belonged.

You cleared your throat and continued,


You look at the fireplace before proceeding.

"Why do you always stay in the library? I never see you go outside and socialize with someone unless important."

Bane stopped for a moment before sighing.

"I tend to stay put and read during the downtime because I'm not very good at conversation."

"I see. What genres of books do you frequently read?"

"I only read books about Elks, Hounds, and Mooses. That's the only thing that's interesting to read, at least in my opinion."

You listened to what he enjoyed and found objectionable, before asking.

"Speaking of the Elks and Mooses, do you keep wearing that head to demonstrate your love for them?"

Bane nodded before lowering his gaze to the surface.

"I once had a pet named Black Nose. Black Nose was like a child to me, and we were close... Until hunting season came. I was so worried that I thought of a way to hide Black Nose, though I miserably failed. Those damn poachers made such a massacre in my forest, and to tell you that one of them was someone that I had rescued back then, I was incredibly pissed. I wish I hadn't been so kind back then. That way... Black Nose would still be alive in my arms."

He paused again before shaking his head.

"Sorry for... Ranting..."

When you noticed that he was weeping, you became alarmed.
You shake your hands as you speak,

"I'm so sorry for bringing up such tragic events, Bane! I never intended to hurt you in any way!"

"It's alright..."

He mumbled, he focused his gaze on you before flashing a small smile of reassurance.

"Even with those bad memories, I at least get to remember the good times. Thank you."

He wiped the tears from his eyes and smiled.

You returned his smile.
You felt an overwhelming urge to hug the man, so you start asking as you clear your throat and turn to look somewhere else.

"Can I give you a hug?"

Bane embraced you immediately and without the slightest hesitation.
Then, after being surprised, you embraced him back.
Albeit nothing much had happened today, seeing Bane genuinely happy brings you joy.
Today was an incredibly heartwarming day.
And a day to remember.

And a day to remember

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