Feelings - [Part Two] Eli x Reader

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Warning that this has some bad language, cheating and also bad grammar alert–

It has a little Naib x Reader and Joseph x Reader on it UwU. But it's mainly Eli x Reader.

No one's POV

It's been years since you and Eli seen each other.

You still remember the good times with Eli.

You still remember him protecting you.

You still remember him.

But when Eli left the manor, everything changed.

You changed.

Emily, Emma and the others notice that you have changed.

From sweet, noisy, always smiling (Y/N), to quiet, desperate (Y/N).

Mike tried to make you cheer up but it was not enough.

Norton gave you all of his donuts even his donut shaped magnet but you refuse.

Tracy tried to make you a robot owl, which only make it worse.

"Eli..." You mumbled his name,

Mike heard it and had an idea, he left to search something and someone.

(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N)! It's Eli!" Mike pushed Naib with Eli's clothes.

"Mike... Stop trying to cheer me up... It's just Naib..."

"Just imagine that Naib is Eli, please?" Mike begged.

I glanced at Naib, imagining it was Eli. A smile creeps on my face as i started hugging him tight.

Mike jumped in happiness and the others was happy.

I look at Naib and said, "I miss you Eli..." Naib smiled and hugged me back.

Eli's POV

"Where is fiona... She said she will be back... Thus it's been hours..."

I waited and waited, until i began searching for her.

"She said she's in a club with her friends..."

I saw a club in front of me.

"This must be it."

I began searching for her inside the club, i saw a girl with a red hair and a black dress.

When i reached my hand i then realized it was not her.

"Oh! Are you Fiona's fiancé?"

I think it's her friend..

"Uh yes! But... Where is she? She's been gone for awhile now..." I asked her friend.

"She said she's going home"

"She was not there though." I told her with a serious tone.

"Go and check if she's home, it's pretty traffic earlier..." I smiled at her friend and said thanks.

'Finally i'm home'

I opened the door then slowly close it, i look around and then i saw her heels.

I heard noises from upstairs, as i was following the sound, it's in the bedroom.

I quickly opened the door.

Revealing Fiona and a man..

My hands began shaking... Eyes shedding tears...

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