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outline - may passed away a year ago Peter has not told anyone apart from Ned and MJ even then they dont know who he was adopted by (good old Tony Stark) he had lived with the avengers a year and is everyone's kid

peter was packing away his books in chemistry and was about to leave when Mr. Harrington called out

"wait everyone I have a very exciting bit of news about tomorrow. we are going on a trip to drumroll please Stark Tower!"

a murmur of excitement rolled throughout the class room everyone was excited except for one boy at the back who just thumped his head onto the desk. 

Peters Pov

oh no oh no oh no. a trip to stark industries why me! why my parker luck ugh

"hey penis why you so down afraid your fake internship will be exposed?" flash shouted 

"actually Peter will not be going" Mr Harrington shouted across the room

Flash looked so mad and I smirked of course no one saw the smirk

"why wont penis parker be going on the trip?"

"sorry Peter you have too many unexcused absences"

"that's ok i can stay home?"

"yes Peter might as well"

i jumped for Joy on the inside then i realized stark tower was my home we are no my class are going on a trip to my home

"ok dismissed"

i scrambled out the door and ran past Ned who was talking to MJ

"heya Happy thanks for... that's not happy uhh hi Uncle Steve what are you doing here" 

"I'm picking you up Pete what did you think i was doing"

"just we are getting stared at right now"

"oh right sorry i forgot you dont like attention" 

"yeah umm can we just go"

i jumped into the convertible Audi next to Uncle Steve

it was a forty five minute trip so i pulled out my calculus it wasn't hard just time consuming i scribbled down the last answer just as we pulled up to the tower.

"come on Pete someone's back and cant wait to see you!"

"Auntie Nat is back?"

"yes and she will beat me up if she has to wait any longer she wanted to pull you out of school"

i laughed at Steve's worried expression "ok I'm going"

i walked through the doors 

"hello Peter would you like me to inform Natasha of your arrival" said Friday over the speakers

"yes can you also tell Dad i need to talk to him" 

"of course Mini stark"

"Friday do not call me that"

"sorry mini stark the coding was just changed so i cant not call you mini stark"

"override Underoos deactivate call Peter mini stark protocol"

"thank you Peter Natasha is giving me death threats I'm not sure she understands that i cannot die"

"ok Friday take me to Nat's floor"

"right away Peter"

i walked over to the elevator and hopped in in it immediately shot up. i was tackled by a blur of ginger and black 

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