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Outline- the rouge avengers have come back to the tower and Tony is Peter's Biological Dad

The Elevator pinged as a rather damp Peter walked into the penthouse. He had swung home changed and came in the front door. The rogues stared at the curly haired boy that none of them seemed to recognize. Peter didn't see them and continued rambling

 "so i actually had  a really bad day Dad you know, i aced the algebra Flash tripped me down the stairs for the uh what is it now twelfth time? anyway i mean look at the bruise that's a i got a piece of airport dropped on me bruise not a kid shoved me down the stairs bruise" Peter trailed off and started making himself a bowl of cereal. The rogues were looking between Peter and Mr. Stark. Mr Stark was laughing silently and rolling on the floor while the kid ate his cereal. Peter looked up when Tony hit his leg on the coffee table "you alright Dad" Peter came round the corner "Oh Shi-" "LaNgUaGe" Tony wheezed laughing his head off "umm Imma go now bye!" Peter sprinted out the room.

"you have a kid?" Wanda questioned "yeah thats Peter he is always like that" Tony was still lying on his back. Clint was staring into space and humming and snapped out of it when Cap spoke "how does he know what an piece of airport dropped on me bruise looks like?" 

Tony gulped "he saw me after Siberia?" Tony hoped they would believe him, they seemed satisfied. Tony sighed and sat down to discuss business with the team when he heard a screech and speedy footsteps. Peter yeeted himself across the room and his behind Bucky who was the closest standing figure. Bucky smiled at the young boy breaking his stoic composure. a few people looked surprised but also softened when they saw the boy. 

"Kid what did you do?" Tony laughed at the kid "I made droney into a real spider and he went nuts!" Peter screeched hiding further behind Bucky. Tony wheezed "you- you hahahaha" "its not funny!" Peter exclaimed indignantly "oh goodness he is coming for me!!!" a large black spider scuttled into the room Clint and Sam hugged eachother and screamed like girls. Peter started running the spider speeding up to attack him he jumped onto a table. "jeez Kid how mean you are towards your own race" Tony shook his head "Come on Dad im only a little less than half spider! so I'm mostly human technically making me an unnamed species!!!" Peter grumped "well kid fab way to come out with your identity" said Tony as he place a bowl over 'droney'  Nat grinned "so that's spiderman" 

Caps jaw dropped "so that's how you know about the piece of airport dropped on me bruises! i dropped an airport on a twelve year old goodness I'm so sorry!" "I'm fifteen why does everyone always think I'm twelve" muttered Peter the few with advanced hearing heard and snickered while the others looked confused.

Peter smiled "well i best be off because hang on dramatic pause........ I am Spiderman!" Tony groaned "i am never going to live that down am i kid" "Sorry not sorry dad!" yelled a blue and red figure as they swung by the window.

"that kid is going to give me gray hairs i swear" Tony grumbled before turning back to the meeting at hand.

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