▪28 {2}▪

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Part 2 (I think there will be a part 3 also)

Outline- Peter doesn't know the avengers but is spiderman and there is no civil wars stuff just cause oh and Ned and Mj know about Spidey

The group climbed onto the bright yellow school bus and sat down at the very back. Flash was shooting angry looks at Peter as he had been told to lay off the bullying today. Peter was going to have a rough next day.

Peter grinned up at the tower still in awe even though he had been inside twice and outside once he grinned and followed the group in. Each student was handed a badge and went through the scanners.

The labs were stunning and the work was interesting well in Peter's opinion. When it was announced that they would be doing a test to see who could be the first high school intern everyone was excited. 

They walked into the Lab to find themselves standing before Bruce Banner. "Hello Students you will all be taking a short paper to see if you can be the first high school intern! We will be doing a few questions first so please take a seat"

everyone sat at a desk then started firing questions about the Hulk. Peter raised his hand and was chosen because he wasn't screeching and waving his arm excitedly. "Um Dr. Banner I was wondering if you could explain the fifth law of Gamma radiation because I didn't quite understand it when I read your paper?" Peter quietly asked. Bruce grinned this boy had recognized him for being a human not the hulk "Of course what's your name?" "Peter Parker Sir" "Ok Peter so this is-" Bruce came over and began to explain much to the classes annoyance. 

five minutes later Bruce stood up "Thanks Dr. Banner I get it now!" "not a problem Peter, Now Lets get you your tests!"

Bruce quickly handed each child a paper, The questions were unsolvable they didn't really want a high school intern. Neither Tony or Bruce could solve these equations, Peter smiled as the paper was placed in front of him and began to scribble down numbers and formulas. 

The rest of the class stared at the paper in disbelief this stuff was impossible. "When you are finished please return your test to me" He smiled as nineteen out of twenty papers came back blank or with failed working. He looked over to see one boy still working it was Peter the boy he helped earlier he was leaning over the desk curls in his eyes and he was sticking his tongue out slightly it reminded Bruce if Tony this was the same way he worked apart from the curls in his eyes.

Peter put his pen down and stretched happily before jumping out his seat and jogging over to Bruce. The Equations had all been completed to perfection in sloppily printed letters. 

Bruce's Jaw dropped when he saw the working he looked at Peter who was sitting calmly talking to his friends this hadn't even been difficult for him.

Bruce sent the paper up to Tony in an envelope secretively. It was time for Lunch but some of the class had to leave for a important meeting this half included Ned and Mj so Peter walked into the cafeteria alone.

He headed over and Picked up a sandwich before sitting at a table in the far corner that was next to a window. He began to sketch the view which was stunning another two people sat down in front of him he didn't look up "Hey Pete" he jerked his head up "Nat? Oh Hi!" He smiled "How's your ya know" Peter gestured to her bullet wound. 

"How does he know about that Natasha?" the second figure asked. Peter looked across and saw Steve rogers sitting there. "oh um" Nat smiled at Peter "never you mind cap I'm sure you will find out soon enough right Peter?" Peter smiled he ad made up his mind to say yes "he will"  Nat grinned "great can't wait!" 

Steve looked at Peter's sketchbook "that's amazing!" he said when he saw the sketch of the skyline. "oh um thanks?" Steve smiled this boy was amazing at art and seemed to have a good natured personality.

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