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Outline- Peter has recently moved in with the avengers and is loved by them all he is 15 and May has moved away so Tony is his father figure.

it was was an early Saturday morning and Peter was up before his usual alarm. He wandered into the kitchen where Sam and Steve were having a snack. "oh morning Peter" said Sam through a mouthful of toast. "morning Sam what are you guys doing?" Peter smiled ad sat down pulling out his own bowl of cereal "going on a jog want to come with?" Said Sam 

"sure got nothing better to do just let me change" Peter wolfed down the cereal and ran off to change into a t shirt and joggers. When he joined Steve and Sam outside they were already jogging around. Peter waited for Sam and joined in "hey Sam why you looking so annoyed?" They jogged a few more paces before Sam responded with "oh you'll see in a second" Peter gave him an odd look when he saw cap "on your left" Cap said then a few seconds later cap ran round again and once again said "on your left" before running off again "that's why" Sam grumbled Peter started laughing. Sam looked incredulous "why arent you out of breath at all" "well um Sam I am also enhanced" Sam rolled his eyes "yeah yeah I know I know" they were interrupted by another cheery "on your left" from Cap both Sam and Peter were starting to get annoyed "can you go faster than him Peter?" Peter smirked "wait and see Sam" Cap came up beside them and was about to say the annoying little phrase when Peter sped up and ran alongside Cap, he kept running but gawked at Peter Peter grinned and ran off at full speed Cap sped up as well but was not as fast as Peter. He ran around and came up beside the pair just as Cap came up beside Sam Peter ran past and yelled "on your left!" Sam stopped laughing  and almost fell in the pool of water they were running around Cap kept running. Peter ran past Cap a few more times rubbing it in until Cap gave up and went inside. Peter jogged over to Sam and pulled him up "dude that was awesome you got Cap to sulk!" Peter grinned and he Sam walked back into the tower 

"what did you guys do? Cap came in sulking" Sam started laughing again at Tony's words and Peter joined in, Tony gave up "Friday pull up the feed from in front of the building" The video popped up on the main screen and played from when Cap and Sam came out they started running and Cap started doing on your left to Sam. The team started laughing as Cap did it a few more times then Peter appeared and started jogging beside Sam the team was watching quietly when Sam started talking to Peter Cap started doing on your left to the both of them Peter started laughing and Sam rolled his eyes. Now Cap ran past the pair and Peter sped up jogging by Cap who looked shocked Sam almost fell in the water and the team started laughing then concentrated back on Peter and Cap. Peter was racing Cap and Cap was running full speed which was known to be approximately twenty miles an hour. Peter still looked to be jogging while Cap was in a full out sprint. A few jaws dropped to the floor when Peter sped up laughing, every time Cap overlapped with Sam, Peter would run past and say 'on your left' half the team was gaping while the other half was laughing "how fast can you run kid?" "i prefer to swing but last time i checked anywhere between sixty and one hundred and twenty miles an hour" "so that was you going slow?" "yeah kinda i mean i dont want to make Cap angry he was just really annoying Sam and I" Peter grinned when the super soldier walked into the room muttering "oi Cap did you know Pete can run One hundred and Sixty miles an hour" "yes i just found out" Muttered Steve "oh Steve lighten up you have been doing that to Sam for years" said Clint "yeah but Sam is always slower" 

"i wont come again i dont need to as said i prefer to walk or swing" Peter grinned implying he could walk at twenty miles an hour "oh you little sh-" "LaNgUaGe Cap" said Tony Steve turned and went back into his room. "who wants ice cream?" said Tony everyone laughed and agreed to ice cream. Cap is going to be even angrier now. Peter swung by Caps left window and threw in ice cream "on your Left!!!" he screeched as the Soldier looked up and caught the ice cream. Tony saved the video to Peter's cute and quirky moments.

Peter Parker OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now