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outline- Peter is Tony's Kid and spiderman. Also Happy May 4th! May the force be with you

 Shuri and Peter were standing in front of a large wall. Simply staring what were they going to do with it. It was a large white wall in Peter's lab. Both were rather good at art from all the sketching and designing "Shuri! what if we did a Star Wars one?" exclaimed Peter. Shuri turned to him with widened eye "Oh Yes! and spiderman on the death star!" both were squealing at the prospect. 

They ran into Tony's Lab and snuck along behind the counter, Tony had loud music on and was tinkering on the other side of the room. The pair of Teens snuck over to a cupboard which was filled with the cans of paint they use on caps shield. 

Tony had it in all shades of the rainbow it was impermeable only comes off if you use a special Wakandan  chemical that Shuri designed. The pair grabbed a few cans grinning evilly and snuck back through the door that joined the two labs.

Shuri sat back on the floor in front of a few large pieces of sketching paper "I really thought he would catch us ya know?" Peter grinned and dropped down with a large screen and some stylus's. "Ye I know right, Look at this though!" he placed the screen on the ground and pointed to it. Shuri leaned over "Did you get this working!" Peter's eyes sparkled "ya huh!" 

The screen was a sketchpad of sorts which projected the drawing onto the area as you did it. So Peter started to sketch and the red lines appeared on the wall. It was a fun sketch of spiderman swinging around the death star and onto the millennium falcon the design was a cartoon one and very fun to do.

Shuri and Peter were better at different things Peter was very good at sketching people and perfect shapes in movement while Shuri was better with backgrounds and depth design.

The pair had been sketching for an hour or so before they were happy with it "This is Perfect!" Peter grinned looking at his wall "agreed" said Shuri also admiring it.

"now for the cool thing!" Peter ran over to the screen and clicked a series of buttons the lines flashed and turned off leaving a perfect outline. The pair squealed and did their handshake before pulling on some large lab coats and gloves they grabbed the paint and put down a plastic sheet so as not to get paint on the floor.

Peter would stand on the roof and color the Top half while Shuri would paint the bottom. They set to work filling the lines in with color.

Then Mr. Stark walked in "hey Kids- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Tony said not angry but surprised. "Oh we decided the wall was to blank" Tony nodded "well keep going its therapeutic to watch dont mind me"

The pair was almost done and rambling a whole lot when Shuri said "Peter do you think different colors of paint have different flavors" Peter didn't bat an eye "Yes"

Tony stared at Peter "How do you know?" "Um Shuri can you ask me again so I can take longer to answer" "No Peter" 

Tony stared at his Kid "Peter did you taste paint?" 


Harley had come to visit when Peter was eight the same age as Harley the pair had automatically bonded and lived each others company.

they were running around the Labs because Tony had left the door open. They then saw a few burbling pots of brightly colored liquid.

 "Hey Peter look at this colorful candy you try it!" said Harley. Peter came over and dipped a finger into the paint it had an odd strawberry flavor even though it was blue. He tasted the next color a red which tasted oddly like apples but very synthetic. Peter shook his head "Harls, Dad is not good at making Candies" Harley nodded in agreement after tasting a black one "yeh you're right this tastes like that nasty black gummy stuff that uncle Loki loves so much" "You mean the licorice? I like that stuff" Harley stuck his tongue out "No one sane like that stuff" "oh but Harls I am not sane i can stick to walls!"

End of Flashback

"see It was Harley's fault!" Peter said after explaining. "It also boosted my powers somehow?" Peter said sheepishly 

"Oh Peter you better start running" said Shuri looking over at the fuming Tony. 

"Ooooooh someone's in trouble, oh wait Me yeah I need to run" Peter licked the red paint of his finger and Zoomed off at about double speed.

Tony watched in shock "Shuri can you look into that?" Shuri nodded also intrigued as Tony ran out after Peter.

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