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outline- Peter is Spiderman. Harley Morgan and Peter are siblings

peter skipped down the corridors trying not to knock people over cause that would be kinda bad, he slid the last few meters and crashed into the glass of starks lab door leaving a peter shaped splat on the wall. he peeled himself away from the glass and ran a hand through his hair fixing the flattened curls. he pushed through the door and placing his backpack down on the bench.

he looked into the room to find Stark, Banner, T'challa, Fury and Hill staring back at him "am I interrupting somethinggg" Peter said slowly beginning to turn on his heel to go back out the door he got a stony cold glare from Fury so he backed out grinning and jumped out the door.

Peter walked down the corridor before noticing a very familiar Wakandan person who screeched when she saw him "MY FAVOURITE DUMB WHITE BOY!" "SHURI" They said grabbing eachother in a hug. when they parted both were grinning in a somewhat evil manner. Shuri smiled "come on lets go see what my brother and your dad and the scary pirate man are doing in the labs" "yeah ok" Peter paused after saying that and looked at Shuri with a very unamused expression "did you just get me to admit Mr. Stark was my dad?" she grinned evilly "maybe i did" Peter rolled his eyes and took a deep breath "c'mon Shuri lets go" they crawled up into the vents above the group of somewhat senior people to them. Somewhat scary senior people.

they looked down and they could see a long shining metal pole, well not a pole exactly a sort of staff but it did not look like it came from earth, especially not after they revealed a blue orb at the top of the stick that Fury's coat had previously been obstructing.

"It kinda looks like something from star wars" Shuri pointed out. Peter paused "Shuri has it ever occurred to you that Fury kinda looks like Mace Windu? or is that just me" she squinted down "i dont know i mean maybe a sith Mace Windu cause of all the black clothes" Peter gasped "do you think he has a lightsaber" they both snapped out of it when there was a poof and fury vanished while stark tried not to laugh well stark was laughing up until an invisible force hit him in the stomach.

Fury reappeared moments later looking slightly frazzled which was concerning because how does a guy without hair look frazzled but he definitely looked frazzled. Shuri and Peter turned to eachother with jaws dropped as far as was possible. "its an invisibility stick!" Shuri said excitedly Peter nodded "do you think it would be possible for us to transfer the power into something else? my suit for example" Shuri nodded slowly "possibly we do not know how it works yet so unfortunately there's no way to know" The two let out a little squeal as the vent beneath them fell slightly "Shuri I think its maybe time we got out of this vent" She nodded "yes i do think that would be best" the pair scrambled out the vent as fast as they could hoping no one would hear the clattering.

they fell out the vent in another room not sure which room the pair stood up and brushed themselves down, they both grinned when they recognized the familiar room decked out with potato guns. They crept in before screeching "HARLEY" the boy in question slid into the room at a unrealistic pace "YOU SCARED ME" "WE HAVE A GOOD REASON" peter shouted "WHY ARE WE STILL SHOUTING" yelled Shuri "I dont know you two started it" Harley said shrugging walking over to his bed "so what was your reason then?" Peter grinned "Dad has an alien invisibility staff in the lab" he said acting as if it was nothing inspecting his nails. "DAD HAS A WHAT" Harley screeched "WAIT TONY'S ACTUALLY YOUR DAD???! I WAS JOKING" Peter turned to her "yeah he is didn't someone tell you" "NO NO ONE FREAKIN TOLD MEEE" Shuri screeched "It does make a lot of sense though you Morgan and Harley here all look very similar" Peter nodded "well i mean he is my brother" Shuri gaped "and no one told me i am offended" she said placing a hand on her heart "i truly feel betrayed" she said gasping.

Harley ignored her theatrics "so whats the plan for the magic staff doo-da" Shuri sat up "What you dont think i deserve an Oscar for that one?" both Harley and Peter gave her amused stares "OH i am sorry Miss Shuri we dismissed your acting skills like most people do" Peter said trying not to laugh but Harley was laughing so much he was almost in tears. "I really dont see whats so funny" Shuri said crossing her arms grumpily Peter shrugged "well lets get to planning" the three sat on the floor in a circle and someone was about to say something sensible but Harley made a comment about how they "looked like they were worshiping Satan" and everybody started laughing again "well I mean we sorta do" Shuri said setting everyone off again.

unfortunately the next day was a Monday, and Monday means school which Harley and Peter were used to but not Shuri who grumbled the whole morning about having to wake up super early after arriving at school Peter could sense something was off but all the same he dropped Morgan off at her class before following Harley and Shuri to physics.

Peter sat in his normal seat behind Flash while Harley sat down next to him and Shuri in the seat next to Michelle behind them. this was gonna be trouble lucky for Ned he wasn't in this class so there was less chance of him being hit with some sort of magnet or metal ball they were throwing of the stairs not that they had done that before and broken the flooring, that would never have happened and no one needs to know why its so specific.

Peter reached into his bag to grab the metal ball in question but instead pulled out a familiar blue orb he immediately put it back in his bag "Shuri you didn't!" he hissed she grinned "I did Harley and I cant have me taking all the credit" Their teacher walked up to them "Mr . Parker is there a problem" Peter sighed he couldn't exactly say the princess of Wakanda put an alien invisibility stick in his bag "no miss" he said smiling flawlessly "mm alright get out your experiment"

Peter sighed pulling out the actual experiment but his hand brushed against the alien orb which the staff must have retracted into and the metal appeared to be floating and he put it down "SHURI WHERE IS MY HAND" he whisper shouted and without looking Shuri responded "i would hope it was attached to your wrist Peter" "Well" Peter said gesturing at his very see through hand Shuri gasped "ohhhhh whoops wait i can see your bone" "SHURI?!" Peter said panicking slightly she rolled her eyes and handed him dusting chalk which was going to be used in the experiment later, Peter covered his hand and it reappeared but in white chalk form.

Peter went to the bathroom when it started to tingle he washed the chalk off and gasped when he saw his hand fully intact earning a few weird glances from the boys in the bathroom.

Peter came back to see flash with his arm half buried in Peters bag he'd pulled out the blue orb and shook it the silver staff extended and hit him square in the nose and Shuri burst out laughing. Peter stood looking shocked Michelle was containing her laughter Harley was trying so hard not to laugh and failing while the rest of the class was either concerned for flash or nodding like he deserved what he got.

Peter took the staff off of Flash and put it back into the orb placing it in his bag and sitting down "Shuri how did you get him to look through my bag" Peter said confused and mildly concerned "oh I just told him your camera had pictures of spiderman" Peter glared at her. while she shrugged it off.

Peter was placing the staff back away in its case at the Lab and as he walked in he walked into something and there was a thud and a groan. Peter immediately dropped the heavy orb on whatever it was and it reappeared and IT was Tony Stark Peter blinked twice before picking up the Orb again and putting it away.

Peter slowly collected a glass of water and dripped it onto Tony's head until he jolted up with a confused expression he then saw Peter and consecutively the water "KID YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO RUN" Peter bolted up "you aren't gonna catch me Dad the even cops couldn't" Tony bolted up to his feet "WHAT I TAKE IT BACK YOU HAVE 5 SECONDS AND WHY WERE YOU RUNNING FROM THE COPS" Peter started sprinting "DAD IS THIS A GOOD TIME TO TELL YOU IM SPIDERMAN" "PETER STARK YOU LITTLE SHI- GET BACK HERE! WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THIS"

A/N: Hi everyone hope you enjoyed I know its been awhile way to long really i just sorta lost inspiration to write and now I'm back doing it I've realized how much i missed it so hopefully that means I'll be writing more but I'm really inconsistent as can be seen so no promises love yall thanks for all the appreciation on the book so far

stardust ❤

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