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Outline- Peter simply lives at the tower and is Spiderman

Peter was happy, his day was going well so far Had woken up early, managed to steal cookies from Bucky without getting stabbed and finally solved the problem with his web fluid.

the only bad thing today was that the avengers had gone out on a mission and on his birthday too and obviously Peter was not allowed to go. Instead of lounging around inside the tower he decided to go on a quick swing just to relax.

Going out as spiderman was one of the things that made Peter happiest so he just switched his music  on and started swinging through the streets honestly nothing much was going on He did see one strange thing which was a cat walking along with a pigeon on its head but they seemed fine.

Peter perched on the edge of a building and looked down to see the Avengers? skipping down the street is 'Disguises' which is what Peter called normal clothes with a hat. Peter tilted his head and swung through them knocking over Sam "You watch it Bugboy!" Sam yelled at Peter "Watch what birdbrain?" Peter shouted back innocently.

Tony snorted but stopped laughing when he saw Peter fall from his Web and faceplant on the sidewalk. Tony rushed over but Peter was already on his feet "I'm fine! I'm good" Peter said brushing his suit off "Kid you need to be careful please! or I might have to give you to social services" Peter paled he was hiding from the Social services ever since May died luckily it was not easy to sneak into the avengers tower. "Ok I'll walk!" Peter exclaimed genuinely worried Tony patted his back "Kid I can't really tell you what to do on your sixteenth birthday now can I?" Peter beamed "You remembered?!" "Of course we did you are practically family!" Pepper said pulling him into a group hug with Wanda and Nat.

Peter smiled "ah a very dysfunctional family but at least I have one!" Peter smiled and hugged the three women. He felt pressure on his back he spun to see everyone else in the hug. Peter smiled he was at the center of the group hug which made him feel very safe but it was a little difficult to breathe

"Ok everyone let him breathe!" Tony said noticing Peter's slightly raised breath rate. The others let go and Peter smiled "Thanks Dad!" Peter's eyes widened at the words that came out of his mouth if he wasn't wearing a mask he was sure he was the same color as his mask.

Tony's eyes widened as Peter quickly webbed off. Tony stood frozen for a second completely in shock but seconds later a smiled cracked on his face. "Did you hear that Pep!" Tony said gleefully "He thinks of me as a Dad!" Pepper smiled "Yes Honey but he also thinks you didn't like it" "Wait what!" Tony gasped and started to freak out "Does he think I hate him! Why! I love him like a son!" He was panicking now "Tony calm down just go tell him how you feel!" Said Wanda holding Tony's arm to stop him waving it frantically.

Peter was back at the tower he was sure Mr. Stark hated him and would give him to social services best birthday ever. Peter sighed and lay on his bed, "Peter Incoming call from Pepper" Peter sighed "accept please Friday"


"Hello Pepper uhm does Mr. Stark hate me?"

"HEAVENS NO! He is freaking out about where you might have gone"

"has he tried my room?"

There was a muffled shout of Pepper asking Tony a question

"No he hasn't he is coming up now unless you want to meet us all in the living room for cake and Tea?"

"Ok will do"

Peter Smiled as he hung up the phone Mr. Stark didn't hate him. Peter walked down to the living room cautiously, He walked in to see the warmest sight you could all the Avengers were cuddled on the balcony with various blankets draped over themselves.

There was a fire lit in the firepit as Bucky did the barbecue with his metal arm the fairy lights Peter and Shuri had insisted on putting up floated around the area (Peter and Shuri had made little robotic fairies that held twinkling lights)

Peter pushed the door open silently and sat in a beanbag scaring Bucky. Who yelped and jumped into Steve's arms. "Ah hah It has been confirmed!" Peter whipped his head round immediately perking up upon hearing the voice of a certain Wakandan Meme Queen. "SHURI!!!" Peter exclaimed running over and hugging her "Peter! How is My favorite broken white boy!" (Shuri is referencing a time She had to remove about four bullets from Peters side)

"I'm good! How is the meme Queen herself?" "Better now she has been reunited With The Meme Lord!" Peter grinned "and The vine King" he said pointing at Loki Shuri went to greet him but took Peter's beanbag.

Peter went and sat in the other beanbag that was next to a small pile of gifts Peter was still avoiding Tony's gaze and Tony was distraught.

"Pete?" Peter jerked his head up and met Tony's eyes "you know I don't mind being called Dad" Tony said hesitantly Peter grinned "really?" Tony nodded "come here Kid" Peter hopped over and Sat next to Tony on the sofa.

"On that note Peter take this" Tony handed a large book shaped gift to Peter. Peter took it but his suspicions weren't confirmed this was not a book it was a stack of paper.

All the avengers were now watching Peter in anticipation as He pulled of the ribbon He shuffled a large pile of papers out of the colorful wrapping putting the wrapping to the side he turned back to the papers.

He gasped "are these real?" he looked at Tony "If you don't want to its okay" Tony said hurriedly looking at Peter "are you mad! Of course I want to I can have Parents for the first time in my life" Peter put the papers down and jumped on Pepper and Tony.

The others looked over at the papers curious

Adoption for - Peter Benjamin Parker-Stark

"I love you guys!" Peter said happily "Love you too Pete" came the chorus of Peter's Wonderful Dysfunctional Family.

A/N: Hello Everyone just realized I haven't really done too many authors notes as of late and I didn't thank you all for what almost 7k reads! Honestly who would have thought definitely not me I'm just super grateful for yall this has kept me going through this crazy lockdown nonsense! 

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