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Outline - How about a field trip oneshot? Peter is Tony's Biological son and The team and May know he is spiderman but not Ned or MJ

Peter was in his Lab designing a Nano tech spiderman suit watch he was sitting at his desk tweaking. There was chaos going on in his lab, Lots of beakers full of burbling web fluid, machines printing everything from metal to ink. Peter was in his element so jumped out of his skin when his Dad put a hand on his shoulder "Hey kid what you doing?" Tony asked peering over Peter's shoulder

"oh hey dad um just fiddling with stuff ya know" Tony nodded he knew exactly what fiddling with stuff was it was when you were doing so many interesting things that it would take days to explain it all. "Want to come up and eat something" Peter knew this was Tony's way of saying i need something and you are not going to like it. "Dad what do you need?" Peter put the small laser tool down and pushed his goggles up onto his head. 

Tony grinned "ah my son you know me to well" Peter chuckled "yes i do so spill" "um erm I was wondering if you could do a tour.........as Spiderman." Peter laughed "and why would that be such a bad thing?" Tony began to mumble "it's your class" Peter only laughed harder "so you got all worked up about asking me to do a tour for my class in the suit?" Tony nodded "so you aren't mad?" Peter shook his head "no, when is it?" "this afternoon, in half an hour" Peter jumped up "maybe could have given me some warning!" Peter ran off to change and clean the oil and chemicals of his skin leaving Tony standing in Peter's Lab Tony wandered through to his Lab. 

Peter stood in front of a row of spider suits his actual patrol one, his iron spider one, his stealth suit and the one he was going to wear it was like the iron spider suit but it was a lot more comfortable and without the extra legs. Peter smiled and hopped into the suit.

Peter removed all the crazy analysis software from his vision and headed to the elevator. Steve chuckled "where you off to Pete?" Peter walked backwards so he could face Steve "Dad wants me to do a tour for my class, watch out they are coming up here!" Steve smiled and acknowledged the warning "thanks Pete have fun!" Peter rolled his eyes before turning his mask on.

He stopped a second before he got in the elevator and thought to himself i am in the spider suit i dont have to use elevators! Peter bolted past a confused Steve and jumped out the window swinging down to the upper level of the lobby and through a window. "Hi Lillian!" he said cheerily to the receptionist "oh hi spiderman Mr. Stark wanted you to do a tour?" "yes He said it was midtown tech he though having someone their age take them round with our generation of language would be best" She nodded approvingly "ok Sir they are about a minute away just wait these are the badges they need" She handed Peter a box of white Omega badges. He put them on the counter and started to pace the ceiling. 

Midtown Tech rushed through the doors of Stark industries Everyone gaped at the two level Lobby with scanners a whisper broke out a figure could be seen pacing the ceiling "is that spiderman?" "i dont know" "oh this is so cool" 

Peter saw his classmates this was exactly how he wanted to tell Ned and MJ - when they would least expect it. Mr. Harrington rushed to Lillian "hello i am very sorry about the lateness we are Midtown tech for the exclusive tour?" "ah yes you have a great tour guide today, He is about the same age as the students" Mr. Harrington gaped "what is his name?" "i dont know it is confidential" Peter dropped from the ceiling behind Mr. Harrington

 "thank you Lillian yes indeed my name is confidential" The teacher just gaped Spiderman was leading the tour?! The students Gasped in awe as Spiderman flipped down to them "hello students of midtown tech, Mr. Stark assigned me to be your tour guide today as none of them understand or way of speech. I will be handing out badges so please line up at the scanner in alphabetical order. Peter grinned he had at least ten minutes. "Mr Leeds, Miss Jones could you come with me" Peter said in a commanding tone the way he had been speaking sounded nothing like him - which was a good thing. 

The confused Nerds came over and followed Spiderman into an empty side room. He turned to them and took a deep breath before dropping the accent MJ and Ned shared a nervous glance and turned to Peter. "Mr. Spiderman-" Ned started "jeez you guys drop it Ned" Ned's eyes bulged "Oh my god THE Spiderman knows my name!!!" He started to freak out before Peter held out his hand Ned eyed it before bringing their palms together. He gasped when Spiderman did his and Peter's handshake Mj was in awe as well "Peter?" "you two cant freak out" Peter said before turning off his mask. Ned started jumping up and down and squealing while MJ said nothing just stared in shock. "why did you tell us?" MJ said getting to the point "I need help guys i dont want the whole class to learn my identity!" They nodded "dont worry Peter we got you covered" Mj smiled as Peter put his mask back on. Flash jeered at Ned and MJ "what did he want you two nerd for? and why over me I am smarter than you two combined!" He smirked Peter took his chance "actually Eugene I am asking them to become my personal Interns in this tower because they are some of the brightest Kids of their age almost as smart as me!" Peter said snarkily to Flash. Flash fumed "My name is not Eugene" "Yes it is you just like to use flash at school so you sound cooler" Peter said grinning under the mask. Ned yelled "BURN FLASH, BURNED BY AN AVENGER!!!!!!"

Peter Parker OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now