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Outline- Peter is in Foster care doesnt know Tony also this has Tony x Steve so if that makes you uncomfortable skip this chapter it wont have very much though sorry if this is bad i haven't been writing much so im a little rusty

also my dumbass accidentally deleted this so everyones comments are gone sorry

hehehehe double update...

Here we go Part 2 there may be a part three

Tony grasped Steve's arm making him turn with a questioning look "look" Tony nodded toward the window, a young teen lay on his stomach surrounded by books brown curls falling into his face a pencil behind his ear and a sketching pen in his hand, His hand was moving swiftly on a sketchbook a concentrated expression on his face.

Tony narrowed his eyes this boy he was perfect but there was a cut across his right cheek well hidden but evidently there to someone who had experience with wounds, Steve had noticed as well so they moved toward the door a middle aged man opened the door with an obviously fake smile Tony returned a smile with the same level of fakeness.

"ah Mr. Stark Mr. Rodgers so what sorta kid you looking for" Tony looked to Steve "a boy we think" "oh just great we only have three boys at the minute I'll go get all the girls out"

Tony watched the man run through a door and then two girls walked out a twelve year old holding a blond five year old. The man gestured them into the room before leaving and shutting the door behind them.

They looked around the spotted a young boy of around eight and another of maybe six but the young teen who caught their eye was no longer at the window the only trace of him was a nest of open books and a closed sketchbook.

The pair was very confused until they spotted the teen halfway up one of the very tall bookcases precariously reaching for a book, Tony was immediately startled he could really hurt himself but the boy picked up multiple books that Tony recognized as Bruces fifth sixth and seventh book on Gamma radiation and a few on the arc reactor.

they watched as the boy scaled the case easily and dropped onto the floor and walked past the pair of avengers without noticing them they watched as he got half way back to his book nest before freezing and slowly turning on his heel and looking directly at Tony then at Steve and back to Tony eyes widening slowly he blinked a few times before turning back and putting his books down a sort of sad expression on his face he jumped back into the middle of the books and picked up his sketchbook before flipping to a few pages of theorem and copying them down.

Tony was intrigued as he saw a small spiderweb design on the corner of the sketchpad when he came over the boy flipped the sketchpad and snapped the book closed "um hi?" Peter asked in a questioning tone "Hey son whats your name?" Steve said sitting on the couch facing the window seat Peter looked between them "um it-its Peter" Tony was still entranced with the books "kid you understand this?" Peters eyes lit up obviously "oh yeah um this is just light reading James said I cant have the other six on gamma radiation or the third and fourth on the arc reactor"

Tony smiled "so the arc reactor is an interest?" Peter blushed and looked down "um y-yeah" while Peter was looking down Tony looked at Steve and made a OMG he is so adorable and perfect Steve look at him!!!!! face Steve rolled his eyes "so Peter how long have you been here?"

"since I was five" Tony's eyes widened how could such a perfect child have been here for ten years Peter looked at Tony's shocked expression "I was too much of a nerd they didn't like me cause i was reading gamma radiation that's why James said I can't have any more"

"so Kid what are your hobbies?" Peter shuffled "well i like drawing" he opened the book and flipped to a page with the iron man suit in perfect detail with all the science around the sides Tony took the book in his hands "this is amazing Pete" he carefully closed the book and handed it back to the boy.

"well um i also like to-" Peter stopped himself mid sentence and tilted his head Steve also tilted a head to see whether the boy was listening to something but if he was Steve couldn't hear it and since Steve had super hearing he couldn't be listening to something.

Peter suddenly leapt up and ran across the room to the eight year old and crashed into him just a chunk of the roof fell in where the child had been sitting moments before. Tony and Steve immediately jumped up and over to the three boys somehow Peter had managed to pick up the six year old as well and was now checking them for injuries and comforting them.

Steve's mouth dropped open this boy is checking these children for injuries when he has a bleeding gash on his arm, Peter consoled the two and gave them an instruction the two ran out the room and were seen leaving and sitting on the front lawn.

Before the avengers knew it Peter was crashing into them and knocking them out the way of the roof leaving himself in the danger zone the roof crashed down onto Peter. Steve let out a yell and began to lift it off Peter as soon as enough was clear the boy slipped out practically unharmed and ran to the door returning in a few seconds with the twelve year old next to him and the five year old on his shoulders. "come on lets go" Peter gestured to the doors.

Tony and Steve followed them out astounded, Peter set the girls down and checked them over he concluded they were fine before giving an exasperated look toward the building dashing back in and returning dragging James out while James was holding a leather band of some sort and a polishing brush. Peter dashed into the building one more time this time exiting down a drainpipe from the second floor with a few things in his arms three plushies which he gave the youngest his schoolbag and a locket which he handed to the twelve year old.

Peter returned to Tony and positioned him and Steve between the children and James, James brushed himself off and unfurled the leather which upon closer inspection Tony noticed to be studded with small silver bolts and red rust color was still left on the belt James froze when he noticed The pair of menacing avengers between him and the children he was particularly shooting dagger eyes at Peter which Tony noted.

"step aside" James said angrily to the pair "the thing is James if its ok with Peter we are taking him home anddd the others are going to be re-located to Dusty Autumns Orphanage" the kids let out small squeals of joy and Peter grinned before walking over "hear that guys back to Autumn and Jessie you will be back with Isla!" Jessie grinned and looked at her locket.

James growled in outrage but just as he was about to lash out a siren was heard directly behind them all the kids eyes snapped to Peter who fell to the ground ears covered the siren stopped and the cops had James but Peter was shaking on the floor ears covered.

"whats happening to him?" Tony asked the kids frantically "oh uhm for like a year he has had these sensory overloads he should be ok" Alex said sitting down beside Peter and stroking his back gently Peter slowly removed his hands from his ears and wrapped his arms around Alex pulling her close to him she wrapped her small arms around his neck and he smiled "I'm ok now Alex"

She let go of him and let him stand up. Tony smiled and pulled out a stack of Papers James had given them an hour earlier.

Peter looked up and grinned at the man who he had worshipped ever since he save him at the stark expo all that time ago, who was now offering to save him from the eternal cycle of rejection he looked back to the children he had cared for while they grew up who were smiling and gesturing for him to go. he held his arms out and they ran to him him being the tallest surrounding them with that protective bubble of warmth and happiness.

Tony smiled "they can visit ya know Pete" The look on Peters face when he turned around was that of pure happiness and joy you could feel it radiating off him in waves it was almost contagious,

Peter added his signature almost hesitantly to the papers that would change his life forever why because these papers are solid proof he is no longer alone.

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