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Outline- Peter lives at the tower, Tony has adopted him.

Peter yawned, before rolling over and looked at his alarm clock oh it is only seven thirty. Wait seven thirty!? he was half an hour late for school. bother. Peter got up slowly, there was no point in hurrying now they class trip left at quarter past.

Peter drifted into the living room looking for some form of food, he was still in his hello kitty pajamas and survived my trip to NY t-shirt. He floated into the kitchen and found some cookies Bucky left to cool, he grabbed one he would face the consequences later. if Bucky could catch him that was. 

Peter just drifted around the upstairs floor not seeing anyone. he did see visions feet poking out the floor above him and heard the rattle of a vent but other than that and the caramel crunch cookies there had been no sign of the avengers.

Peter sat down at the kitchen counter before pulling out Spiderman cereal and a bowl. He poured himself a bowl and started to nibble before getting his phone out and scrolling through all the missed calls from Ned. Eh Ned probably just got worried about him not showing up probably thought he got shot or something.

Peter turned his attention back to his cereal and began walking back to his room when the elevator pinged and his class walked out. they were following a tour guide and Peter froze as people started to notice him and his breakfast.

"Peter what are you doing here you did not show up for the trip" Peter ignored him and took another mouthful of cereal. 

"Mr. Parker what are you doing in avenger tower?" 

"I was hungry" Peter said taking another mouth full

"But why are you here in the Avengers kitchen"

"cause I was hungry" Peter said as if it was obvious pointing to the bowl in his hands.

"how did you get in?"

"urm the stairs" Peter said taking another mouthful.

Ned was stifling laughter. Peter was too he was being very vague and his teacher hated it.

"why did you miss the tour?" 

"i slept in" Peter said chomping another spoon of cereal.

"so you made the trip to avenger tower asleep?" 

Peter rolled his eyes "no i slept in avengers tower" he said calmly still crunching the cereal.

Mr. Harrington rubbed his temples "Parker stop chewing the cereal so loudly!"

"But Mr Harrington i am hungry" Peter said stuffing the last of his cereal into his mouth. "I'm done now anyway" Peter put the bowl on the counter before jumping over the back of the sofa and sitting down.

"Peter you cant stay here you aren't on the tour" sighed Mr. Harrington. 

Peter crossed his arms "i will stay in my own home thank you very much" they gaped at Peter. Avengers tower his home there was no way. they believed that until Tony stark went and sat next to Peter. "hey Kid aren't you supposed to be on a school trip right now?"

"what school trip, OHHH you mean that school trip?" Peter said in fake surprise and pointed behind him. "Oh Kid go with them show them your suit you are about to show everyone else anyways"

"but Dad why show them the suit when i can just do this?" Peter said hopping onto the roof and sticking. "well i guess that would be another way to do it" Tony chuckled his Kid was really the best there was.

Peter Parker OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now