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Outline- Peter was not allowed to go on the weekend school trip so just stays home. Home being the Avengers tower because Tony adopted him

Peter sat in the kitchen eating his cereal while Bucky gave him disapproving looks for not letting him cook the teen a three course breakfast. Peter was in a t-shirt that read i survived my trip to New York and pink hello Kitty pajama bottoms. Friday spoke up "Peter Mr. Stark wishes that you come to the Lab" Peter jumped up and ran down the staircase to the Lab where Tony was tinkering with part of Mark-72 "hey Dad what you need" Peter said. "hey kid there is a tour group waiting downstairs and Lillian called in sick so cant do it and no one else is free could you?" "sure a bit of a change" "they are going on route four" "oh so they get to go through my Lab and yours as well as the basic areas?" "exactly" "must be special" Tony smirked "well kid they are waiting Peter ran off and changed his Pajama bottoms into jeans, before running to the elevator "Friday can you take me to the lobby?" "of course Mini Stark" Peter groaned "who told you to say that was it Clint? dont listen to him" "ok Peter" "ah hah so it was Clint, see you in a minute Friday" 

Peter walked into the lobby and up to the receptionist she turned it was Sammy "hey Sammy apparently i have to do a tour?" "yes Peter they are over there" "thanks Sammy" Peter said before grabbing the box of white cards off her desk. He blanched when he saw one of the names the card read 'Ned Leeds, Visitor, Tour route four' The trip was to stark industries. Peter groaned "why Mr. Stark Why!" "Peter?" he spun around Ned had come over to the water fountain. "Hey Ned can you guess who your tour guide is?" Peter said a very unamused look on his face "wait... did-" "yup" Peter sighed and Ned burst out laughing.

"Ned who are you talking to?" said Mr. Harrington coming around the corner "oh Peter what are you doing here you didn't get the form signed so you cant come on this trip out!" The class watched as Peter stood firm while Mr. Harrington tried to push him out of the building. Ned laughed even harder and by now the whole class was watching. "Sorry About this Mr. Harrington not exactly what i thought i would be doing today" He turned to address his class "hello midtown Tech i am Peter Parker and I will be your tour guide for today" he looked at Mr. Harrington who was gaping. "i need to give you each a pass, these are white level one" Flash shouted "so what penis isn't actually our guide" "Friday can you read out the timetabled guide for tours please" "of course Peter, Peter parker- Midtown science and technology- Tour Route four" He turned and looked at his class 

"now that's settled, there are ten levels White-1 for visitors, Pale blue-2 for janitors and reporters, Dark blue- 3 for Lab cleaners, Yellow-4 for low level Interns, Dark green-5 for High level Interns, light green-6 for head interns, red-7 for head of lab, Pink- 8 for some avengers that aren't trusted not to prank everything like Hawkeye and Falcon, gold-9 for the more trusted Avengers like Captain America and Black Widow. Finally personal cards- level 10 for Mr. Stark, Mrs. Stark and a few select people. any questions?" Flash raised his hand "yes Flash?" "What level are you" "well i am the personal Intern to spiderman and Mr. Stark so i need full access making me a level ten" Peter pulled his badge out hoping no one noticed the gold S.M in the corner. 

The class gaped at Peter who sighed "take your badges" Peter handed each the badge with their name "follow me" Peter walked through the Elevator doors and crammed the class inside.

They got out on the exhibits floor "ok everyone you have half an hour to look around at all the suits and gadgets if you touch anything Friday will notify me and you could be thrown out" the class nodded a walked away milling in between the displays Peter heard Ned calling him so walked over "what is it Ned?" "Dude you have an exhibit!!" "as me or as Spiderman?" "BOTH!" Ned pulled Peter sideways to two new cases the first was Peter Parker - High school student, He is good friends with all of the avengers, Peter makes most of the weapons for the team and Enjoys making suits with Tony he also happens to be heir to Stark industries. Peter gaped then laughed when he realized Tony had tried to stay with the design  of all the other exhibits by putting the information down the right with a small tablet of videos mostly of him in the Lab and then to the left he had replicated Peter's most commonly worn blue hoodie and dress shirt along with Jeans and converse. The rest of the class came to see what the boys were looking at forcing Ned and Peter over to the spiderman one. It had both the old and New spider suits. - this young avenger enjoys team activities he holds the group together. He is good friends with his Intern Peter. Spiderman is always there to help the little guys. Peter grinned when he saw the quote "when you can do what I can, But you dont, when the bad things happen they happen because of you" ~ Spiderman

"Woah dude you are so wise" said Ned making Peter elbow him "I was explaining it to Mr. Stark" "yeah dude sure" That's when Peter heard a clattering in the Vents. "Oh No Everyone take a step back!" The class stepped back away from the Peter exhibit and Clint fell in a heap "hello Katniss what are you doing?" "coming for protection" Peter tilted his head "what did you do" "I took Nat's favorite gun" "Oh Man Katniss you gotta run" fine Webhead". Clint mumbled running off.

"That my friends is a Hawkeye, Who as of this minute is an endangered species." A few people laughed. "Peter why did he call you Webhead?" asked MJ. the avenger assumed it was because he was spiderman but there was a different reason "i was making Web fluid as i do and it exploded and stuck to my face for ages" satisfied Mj stopped scrutinizing him. Then an alarm went of "CODE GREEN PLEASE EVACUATE!"  Peter gasped "ok everyone Code green means Hulk is in the building please stay calm, We can't leave due to the Hulk being below us so just sit on the ground" They obeyed and Peter went to the door just as Hulk barged in. Peter could calm the Hulk but only by using his abilities he sighed knowing his identity was about to be revealed to his class and In a week the whole world. The girls screamed as Hulk roared. Peter jumped onto his shoulder "ohh Little spider!" said Hulk "yeah hulk" "tricks" Peter started to jump around the hulk smiling. Peter hung upside down from a web in front of the hulk who was happily watching the boy. "ok Hulk Suns getting real low" Peter put his hand on the hulks palm and he reduced to Banner. Peter dropped beside Him "Hey Bruce you ok?" Bruce looked around frantically "did i hurt anyone" "no no everyone is fine code green got us out the way" Peter handed Bruce a spare Lab coat "here" Bruce pulled it on covering his bare chest. Then the Avengers rushed in "oh Hey Peter you are supposed to be in school" Peter winced "no you sent me to do a school tour Dad" Peter covered his mouth and turned to his class Who were gaping at him "Surprise?" Ned gaped "YOU ARE TONY STARKS SON!!!!" "yes Ned calm down please" "AND SPIDERMAN!!" added flash. "yes calm down everyone please" the class calmed "yes i am Peter Stark and Spiderman" His class gaped then looked at the Avengers "Peter what happened to Hulk?" Questioned Nat "I calmed him down" Peter gestured to Banner on the floor and the Avengers gaped "what? ok back to the tour then!" Peter said cheerfully and started to talk again.

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