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outline- this is after endgame but Tony didn't die. He has a fondness for the spiderkid but no one knows his identity. lets say ffh isn't happening either. no one knows Peter's identity but he still has the family relationship with the avengers

Peter's class was sitting in the drama studio talking over the script for the play they were doing an infinity war tribute and some of the avengers would be coming to watch they had a few weeks. Peter was happy he hadnt been cast - yet. Unfortunately Flash had been cast as Tony stark and it was not fun having your bully play your father figure. by this point they were up on stage rehearsing. then it got to the spaceship scene with Spiderman, Iron man and Dr strange. MJ gasped "guys we haven't cast Spiderman!" a few gasps followed and they looked around the room for a suitable candidate.

  no one left was known to be good at acting and the next best option was "Peter!" Mj yelled the startled boy looked up from a notebook "yeah MJ?" "can you play spiderman?" Peter's eyes widened "No uh i cant act and Spiderman really i wouldn't be-" "shut up loser welcome to the cast go put on the Spiderman suit" Peter was really worried now they would recognize him if he put on the suit hopefully not. he trudged backstage and pulled on the suit it wasn't half bad the team had done well it simply wasn't stuffed with stark tech. Peter hid the mask and walked onto the "titan" set it looked too good he shuddered.

 he walked over to the spaceship he knew the lines by heart he spoke them after all. a few people watched him carefully as he came into sight "since when was parker ripped we didn't put fake muscles on the suit" Peter blushed and looked away. "ok lets get started" Mj clapped her hands and started the scene it was not accurate at all. "Peter what's wrong?" asked MJ "none of this is accurate apart from the set and some of the lines all the good stuff is missing" 

"PEnIs parker you weren't there how would you know"

 Peter knew better than to respond with actually i was there it was much funnier in real life he instead responded with "Mr. Stark showed us the video" Mj summoned Peter over and he quickly made the changes like his line

"if aliens end up planting eggs in my chest and i eat one of you I'm sorry" and "I'm backup!"

then Tony's lines "no you're a stowaway zip it the adults are talking" and "i dont want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip understand?"

People laughed as Peter filled in all the missing lines until it was an exact account of what happened from when Spiderman appeared until when he blipped. 

People were laughing and crying by the time Peter had completely finished "there now its accurate" "that Peter is the funniest most heartbreaking script and sounds like something the avengers would actually say" "that's because they did say it" Peter muttered.

Ok lets get started full rehearsal of that scene from the bus to Spiderman's death scene

they started and Peter started slapping the student in front of him the way he had slapped Ned and asked for a distraction before jumping out the window the set changed and Peter was in his suit punching bad guys and Flash said "he is here to steal a necklace from the wizard go save the wizard"

 "ok Mr stark I'm being beamed up" the scene continued "Mr stark its getting hard to breathe" "kid you are getting too high up you're running out of air" "yeah that makes sense" 

a projection on peter supposedly the iron spider suit peter went of script "woah Mr. Stark it smells like a new car in here"

 People watched Peter as he flawlessly pulled off every line quipping in his own where he deemed it necessary. a few teachers had come in to watch as well as the other half of Peters class. the final scene

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