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Outline- Peter lives with the avengers because he is Tony's biological son Morgan is his little sister. No one outside the Avengers know and Peter got his powers at birth.

Peter well he was extremely excited there was going to be an Avengers  livestream at six and he would be on it as the Intern of course. It had been the talk of the city for the last few weeks and nearly the whole of New York and thousands of others would see it.

Peter was smirking as Flash bullied him, Flash had been bragging about getting into the tower to watch the stream with his parents. Obviously Peter couldn't tell Flash that he himself would be visible on the live and Flash would be sitting behind glass.

Peter had a skip in his step as he headed through the doors of the tower, Friday immediately recognized him and admitted him to the elevators. Peter had the task of hiding all evidence that Peter was Tony's son as other people would be in the penthouse.

"DAD! I'm back!" Peter yelled down the corridor to where Tony was setting up the livestream equipment "Ok Pete you know your jobs but i might need some help later!" Tony yelled back Peter grinned and put his bag down in his room.

Peter picked up a box and gradually began taking photos off the wall and replacing them with different ones some still had him in it but in the back as the avengers smiled at the camera. Peter started laughing when he saw one of the pictures he had to take down it was him and Tony Peter was about three in the photo and sitting on the roof refusing to budge from the corner as Tony had Pepper on his shoulders and Steve had both of them perched upon his all the while the other avengers were standing looking extremely concerned.

 "Friday?" "yes Peter" "Can you set this photo as my computer desktop and Dad's?" "Of course Peter there is also a video from the same moment would you like that too?" Peter's eyes lit up "Yes please Fri!" "Ok sent!" 

Peter placed the last photo in the box before collecting a few other items placed around the room like his star wars beanbag and his homework from last night. Peter put all of his things in his room and did a final sweep- unless they forced their way past all the security systems and broke into his room it would be fine.

Peter jogged down the corridor and into the official conference room which was now transformed into a very comfy looking set that looked like a living room. 

He looked around for Tony and saw him precariously balanced on a stepladder trying to plug in a wire. Peter grinned and jumped up the wall proceeding to startle Tony. Peter took the wire and plugged it in "Peter what did I say about spontaneous wall climbing?" "Um not to" Peter said grinning. Tony just gave him an exasperated look "Love you kid" "awh thanks dad!"

Peter grinned as a small figure came into the room  "peter?" "Morgan!" Peter ran over to hug his little sister and pick her up. Morgan clambered onto Peter's shoulders and Tony took a picture. "Peter are they going to tell about you" She said tugging Peter's hair. Peter assumed she meant tell the public that Tony had two Kids Peter the older of the two.

"I'm not sure tiger, Dad?" Tony was standing looking contemplative "I suppose we can but they wouldn't be far off working out that you were spiderman" Peter nodded "I am graduating in like a week so i guess they can know" Tony grinned as well as Morgan.

Peter hugged the both of them and Tony notified all the Avengers of the plan the small family came up with Pepper would join them later.

Peter set up the final cameras while Tony helped to dress Morgan everyone would be wearing Avengers pajamas of some form. Steve and Bucky wearing the other on theirs, Nat, Clint, Sam Pietro Vision and Wanda would all be jumbled while Peter Tony Pepper and Morgan would be wearing eachother even though Morgan wasn't a hero she had a dress up pink iron man suit and Pepper would be wearing hers while Peter and Tony wore eachother.

It wouldn't start like that though everyone would be wearing a Nano tech version of their suit. Peter hopped into his Iron Man pajamas and placed his bracelet that activated his Iron Spidersuit onto his wrist he would put it on before the live.

The avengers all gathered in the living room laughing at each others appearances each had on a  suit but no one could take eachother seriously knowing they were all wearing avengers pajamas. Morgan sat on Peter's shoulders in a pink nanotech ironman suit while Peter had his mask off in his iron Spidersuit. 

they walked into the room to do press before the live started.

Everyone got very excited when they saw Morgan on Peter's shoulders especially Flash but he was more excited about the fact that he got to ask some questions and they were all for Spiderman.

Once all the photos had been taken each avenger sat down in their place and started the stream. At once millions of people flooded in news broadcasters went live it was at that moment that Peter knew there was no going back on this decision he would become a Stark to the world and Spiderman at the same time.

People asked endless questions about Steve and Bucky's relationship and the pair happily shared details. A few questions were asked about the Nanotech but a lot of the attention was focused on Morgan.

Peter grinned his little sister still sitting snuggled into his side. Tony grinned evilly "I would like to say that a few lucky people will go live with us it is randomly generated. Peter gave Tony a look as he pressed a button.

Ned, MJ and Mr. Delmar appeared on screen, Peter gave his Dad an annoyed look no way was this random. Ned was grinning while Mj still looked unconcerned.

Tony turned away from the people on the chat and turned to a reporter who was standing in the crowd. "Mr. Stark what is your relation with your personal intern is he here? can we talk to him?" Tony looked at Peter and Peter rubbed his neck which was the signal. "Hold on a sec" Tony said and turned off his iron man suit everyone proceeded to do the same and the people who were there began to laugh when they saw the pajamas as well as many others watching from home.

All attention was now on spiderman Peter did nothing yet. "No you can't talk to my personal Intern but you can talk to my son-" 

Everyone looked confused and Peter secretly directed a camera to point at the people watching especially flash and record his reaction. Tony smiled as Peter triggered his bracelet and the nanotech fell away from his body and vanished. "-Peter Stark" Peter looked up and smiled evilly at Ned and Mj while Morgan jumped into his lap falling asleep.

Ned had muted and was running around his room screaming, Me Delmar looked pleasantly surprised and even the unruffleable Mj looked slightly ruffled.

Most of the avengers were laughing at the reaction while Peter just hugged sleeping Morgan waiting for calm. When calm came Peter looked up to make eye contact with flash who had paled significantly but so as to not make a fool of himself he still stepped up but he changed his questions.

"So how long have you been Spiderman" Flash said hoping it was a recent development. Peter grinned "well since I was born see" Peter screen shared a monitor and spun it round. The Video of him on the roof while the others tried to get him down they all groaned as it played.

"Peter! baby you have to come down!-Now Peter" said a Nervous Pepper "Please listen to your mother Peter!" Tony shouted "Guys!" cap shouted worried murmuring came from Bucky as he went to support Steve. Nat covered her eyes knowing what was coming "Momma Spider!" Little Peter  said jumping on Nat causing her to fall startled to the ground she held out a sleeping Peter to a worried Pepper before seeing the camera and tackling Sam who fell with a girlish scream then the video ended.

Peter was holding his sides doubled over as he laughed and the other avengers were all pink. Flash was still pale he had one question left "What made you hide your identity Penis" Flash realized what he said as all the avengers faces darkened Loki and Thor also appeared extremely angry Nat threw a dagger and Bucky threw his arm. Peter caught both before they could reach Flash.

"Guys I love you and the amount of times I have wanted to hit flash back is many but violence is not the answer here"

Tony turned off the live. Peter ran he wanted no part in this and if the avengers went on trial for murder of a minor he would not be involved. He ran straight up into the corner which he had caused so much trouble in before and stayed there.

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