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(this one is short) Outline- Peter is Loki's son and he uses a small magic metal chain to hide his black hair and ghostly pale skin it also helps to keep his magic controlled.

Peter was well known among the students as the shy friendly boy that would help anyone who needed it. Peter was bullied but everyone was too afraid of flash to stand up to him. Peter didn't seem to mind though he bounced back every day with no visible injuries. People were really worried Flash was getting angrier and angrier that Peter was unaffected by his bullying, everyone was sure that this time he would properly injure Peter.

That morning was what tipped flash over the edge Peter had beaten him in their class robotic contest and he was extremely angry. It was now history and this would be the final straw. "Peter are you paying attention we are learning about Loki" "yes miss i just know all this stuff" "oh Mr. Parker if you know so much about this then how about you teach the lesson" Peter nodded and hopped out of his seat. and made his way to the front

 "Loki was the son of Laufey, but was abandoned as an infant and adopted by Odin, with the intention of using him as a bargaining chip to maintain peace with the Jotuns but these plans met a moot point almost immediately. Adopted by and at the end of the Asgardians' war with the Jotuns, Loki is treated as a true prince of Asgard and was never informed of his true Jotun heritage throughout his youth. However, Odin had secretly intended for him to never claim the throne of Asgard because of his Jotun heritage. Loki is smaller and thinner and has a darker hair color and paler in complexion than the Asgardians. Throughout their childhood Loki spent much of his time trying to prove himself as Thor's equal while studying magical arts rather than physical prowess." Peter smiled "thank you" and walked back to his seat.

When it reached breaktime flash stormed out the room and Peter cautiously left about five minutes later, unfortunately for Peter Flash was waiting at his locker. a group of people had gathered where Flash was waiting 

"ah Penis parker you took your sweet time afraid of what would happen when you got here?"  "actually no not really flash" if looks could kill Peter would be very dead. "oh really you weak scrawny being?" "yeah flash leave me alone" Peter was fed up because his necklace also his his muscle he was actually extremely strong but had opted not to show it off.

Peter went and shut his locker before turning to find Flash right behind him. Peter sighed an braced himself the punch broke his nose that would heal by tomorrow. more and more punches to the face the ribs and the stomach Peter winced. He had to act like this hurt otherwise that would be extremely suspicious. "I'm going to kill you Parker" flash grabbed the back of Peters Necklace both Peter and Ned's eyes widened they knew what would happen if that chain came off. "flash dont!" Peter wheezed "im going to" "dont snap the chain honestly you will regret it" "no Parker i wont" "yes you will because-"

 the chain snapped and flashes eyes widened Peter had a few seconds before something happened so he used it wisely. "guys i would take a step back, Flash you really are an idiot when i take that off i-" Peter's hair started changing colors from a hazel brown to jet black a few gasps were emitted and flash took a step back. Peters skin paled from its rosy color to a pale shade of peach. the crowd watched as Peter changed his muscles came back his hair was now solid black his eyes were grey and he was a few inches taller. "what are you?" Flash tumbled backwards "see flash i told you not to take of the necklace, oh and I'm a Laufeyson so son of Loki you know the Asgardian God of mischief." a few people murmured. "why did you hide it?" "why do you think flash?" Peter started playing with lime green magic that was curling around his wrists. 

"oh, why didn't you fight back?" "I didn't need to if i hadnt taken it you would have moved on to bully another student who doesn't have healing powers." Peter smiled and reached down to the metal chain on the floor before fixing it and placing it back round his neck. He immediately reverted to being the Peter everyone knew, he smiled "now Flash if you could leave me and everyone else alone that would be nice or i might have to fight back" he played with a small red fire at the end of his fingertips. Flash nodded grabbed his stuff and bolted. Peter walked over to Ned nervously Ned knew of course but had never seen his Asgardian side.

 "are we still friends?" said Peter nervously. Ned looked surprised "of course dude you are still Peter and that was epic" Peter smiled and hugged Ned anyone who knew would leave the two boys alone now.

A/N: gah writers block ideas plz inspiration!

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