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Outline- ok i thought i would mess around a little a do something I haven't seen before Wanda is Peter's Mother and Peter is fifteen, Dont ask me how that works but just make it work. Peter naturally has the power of the scarlet witch (but blue powers) plus spiderman.

Peter's Pov

Peter's ears were ringing he was sitting in on the ground while the avengers fought eachother around him, did Mr Stark really say Maximoff and her there was only one female Maximoff- Wanda Maximoff his mother. 


Peter! Wanda screamed as the door got broken down her two year old son watched as his mother was grabbed and pulled away from him. The men who came were dressed in all black they were scary, Peter cried and cried until one of the neighbors came, She took him in for awhile until Wanda was proclaimed dead he had been given to an orphanage and was adopted a year later by Ben and May Parker, he chose to call them Aunt and Uncle as he would never replace his Mum and he never knew his dad. all Peter knew was that his Dad had brown curly hair and was a mutant with almost spiderlike abilities.

End of flashback

He gathered with the others and his mother started to throw scrap metal at him he avoided each piece easily. Her mistake was made when she tried to take peter's mind. He let her in not far enough to see who he was but far enough so that When Peter shoved her his of my mind she looked fell backwards looking stunned she knew Peter's age and his pain nothing more. How did this kid push her out? No one had ever done that.

~multiple weeks later~

Wanda had signed she needed to know who spiderman was.

Peter became an intern he needed to see his mother.

Peter walked toward the living area where Wanda, Tony, Nat and Rhodes were sitting. Before he came over Wanda spun around sensing a familiar presence but why would her son be here. Everyone looked at Wanda strangely "what is it Wanda?" Tony asked concerned, Peter had hidden behind the wall. 

"nothing i just thought i felt someone...someone i lost a long time ago"  Everyone was confused.

 Wanda sighed "do you know anyone by the name of Peter?" Tony was taken aback "well yeah he practically lives here after his aunt and uncle died, supposedly his parents are dead too. Why?"

Wanda didn't answer she just put her head on her knees. Nat comforted her, "well Peter i guess you can come out now" Nat said smirking Wanda's head bolted up almost headbutting Nat. 

"he is here?" she asked wanting to believe it so badly yet how could she, maybe there was a little hope?

Nat nodded "He has been here for about ten minutes, I dont know why he is still behind that wall." Wanda stood up and reached out with her magic. Her son was here, She could feel his magic, He was Spiderman.. wait he was spiderman!

 Wanda fell to he knees "i tried to kill my son" Wanda whispered. Nat's eyes widened and Wanda spoke louder "I tried to kill my son" she started to cry.

 Peter couldn't take it he knew full well that they looked very alike when you saw them next to each other he also knew about the aurora that appeared if they had skin on skin contact.

Everyone looked confused as Peter fell to the floor beside Wanda and hugged her, Then the room lit up with a blue and red aurora borealis. It emanated from Peter and Wanda. "would someone explain what the hell is going on!" Tony shouted Peter and Wanda ignored him.

"i thought i lost you" Peter said still holding Wanda "I thought i lost you too baby, Look at you all grown up" she smiled a tear slipping down her cheek "Can you show me?" Everyone watched as the pair broke apart and Peter's hands lit up with dark blue magic encircling him and Wanda. Wanda watched Peter's life as if it was a movie from when she was taken to this moment.

 Various images popped up around the team mostly Wanda with a small boy who looked just like her, Tony gaped "Peter.......... Is Wanda your mother?" Wanda smiled as the magic dropped around her. "Yes Peter is my son" she embraced him the blue and red light appearing once more.

"i love you Mum" Peter smiled into the hug "i love you more Peter" Wanda said kissing her son's head. Her missing Son was back.

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