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bit of a different one today 

outline- Peter Wanda and Pietro are all about six i dont wanna spoil so i have one tiny word Hydra. the avengers have formed and are a family.

The hydra base was swarming with agents the avengers had to sneak in and recover a file. well blast their way in if Tony had anything to do with it. The Hydra agents poured out and engaged in combat. Natasha went in she was the stealthiest besides Bucky who was needed outside. Natasha prowled through the corridors and found the file she needed in a filing cabinet in what was supposedly the main office. while she was searching through she noticed a file that contained three small files it had all been blacked out apart from a cell number and a name. she had time, Natasha started at a slow jog, who are they only three people. natasha looked through the door and saw three children strapped to the walls. they looked heavily beaten and uncared for. She opened the door and stepped in the kids were no older than six. "hey its ok I'm here to get you out" the kids squirmed away. Natasha left and stood in the corridor

"you guys done?"

"yeah Nat you got the file" Tony's voice rang in her ear

"yes but the situation is a little different than expected"

"what do you mean?" questioned Bucky. Nat switched to comms with just Bucky

"they have kids in here-"

"are they ok"

"no i need you to come in they have evidently been abused and harmed in some way"

"on my way"

Natasha turned back to the room and stepped inside she undid all the clamps and the kids crumpled to the floor and huddled together nervously. None of them were speaking. "i have someone you might know or recognize" 

Bucky walked in and came over "Nat they are so young" "i know what happened to them" the boy with brown doe eyes and curls pointed at a tablet in the corner. it read all the experiments and tests just not what they did "jeez Buck they have all had at least a hundred tests done on them!" Bucky's eyes widened "what sort" "it doesnt say" "to give you an idea if these were power tests- i had three" "we  need to get them out can we get bruce in here please" 

Bruce soon came with a summon from Bucky he sat down near the children and started comforting them quietly. about fifteen minutes later the doe eyed boy moved again. the girl with flaming red hair looked concerned and the boy with white blond hair didnt move. "wha yu wan" "we want to help you we can stop the tests and protect you" "uh uh" the small boy reached out to bruce who held out his hand, the little boy placed his tiny hand on Bruce's "i twust yu" the others looked at the boy and shuffled closer to Bruce as well. Bruce smiled "what are your names?" "I'm Peter that's Wanda and Pietro" the other two moved towards bruce unsure. when they saw the warmth in his eyes they relaxed. Bucky spoke "how long have you been here" Peter looked at Bruce who nodded "we aren't sure all know is we got here when we was tree" he tried to say three but lisped it was cut. "ok buddy that means you have been here three years sound right?" they all nodded. each of the three adults picked up a child Nat had Peter while Bruce had Wanda and Bucky had Pietro.

the other avengers came over when they saw the trio carrying things bigger than files. "who are they Nat" Tony said landing "this is Peter Pietro and Wanda they have been experimented on for three years and they are six" "oh my my goodness" Tony gasped as Peter started tapping the foot of his suit and examining it "woah this is awesome" his lisp had vanished "this suit is most likely made out of a nickel-titanium alloy called nitinol?" the little boy looked up at tony. Tony and a few other gaped at the little kid who had identified the metal of Tony's suit perfectly.

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