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OMG we just hit 1000 reads!!! I actually cant believe it thank you so much love you all! so here is an extra celebratory chapter!!!

Outline- Peter is an avenger at the age of 15 and he lives with May interns with Tony yadda yadda

Peter was having a normal day in school, well up until the principal said that everyone was to come to the hall. This was during the middle of a lesson and she was almost frantic.

On arriving in the hall Peter unlike all of the other students immediately noticed the men clad in all black. He tensed immediately but there was a no talking rule. as soon as everyone was gathered in the middle of the room the men stepped out of the shadows, Everyone apart from the teachers who summoned the students and Peter gasped. The man who was obviously in charge noticed the fifteen year old who looked almost exasperated. He came over and grabbed the boy by the back of his shirt, Peter walked calmy with the man still looking bored.

The ringleader was obviously confused no student had ever stood strong through this let alone looked bored. People around were also confused Peter was a stuttering weak nerd. The man decided what a great idea it would be to beat Peter up a little to show them what happened to students that weren't scared. 

He shoved Peter hard but the boy didn't move. Peter had already made up his mind that if this took revealing that he was spiderman he would.

The man shoved Peter and Peter used all his self restraint not to smirk when the man crashed into pure muscle and looked shocked. The man went to shove Peter one more time but this time Peter stepped backwards and the man fell to the floor, Smashing his face against it and bloodying his nose. Peter smirked this time, Then he remembered he caught the eyes of his best friends Ned and Mj and practically begged for their forgiveness with no words. As he was doing this he had a skimpy rope tied around his waist, that would hold a normal student the other students had also been tied together. They were going to be shot Peter had no other options he looked to his friends one more time.

He ripped the rope easily and flipped over kicking the man guarding him, the others ran to him Peter knocked them out easily and webbed them down they started shooting at him Peter dodged every bullet and swung into the two men trying to hit him. He started using his full abilities, kicking swinging and dodging until only the ringleader was left Peter webbed him to the ground and turned back to basically the whole school watching him. Ned and Mj were looking at him with jaws dropped that was expected from Ned but not MJ.

Peter rubbed his temples and paced "Mr. Stark is going to kill me" he muttered. "Peter could you explain please?" asked the principal "well you see...um..well the truth is ...... I am Spiderman" Ned started yelling and Peter webbed his mouth and grinned before yanking it off "dude!" screeched he was excited that his best friend is Spiderman but also mad that he got webbed in the face. Mj rolled her eyes "Oi Spiderman free us already" Peter jumped into action and easily snapped the tight ropes. He was soon swarmed with people it was quite overwhelming so he jumped onto the roof away from it all. 

He was fine Mr. Stark was already sorting it out before Peter told him.

Peter Parker OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now