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Outline- Peter was captured by Hydra six months ago but is not heavily brainwashed.

Tony has still not gotten over the disappearance of Peter the boy who was practically his son. He had shut himself off from everyone when he found out that Hydra had taken his favorite spiderkid. He was working in his Lab when he got a notification from Friday "Sir Peter Parker just entered the building" "Tell the others!" he ran down the stairs and jumped into the elevator there at the bottom was Peter he was severely bruised and his clothes were tatty "hey Mr. Stark" said the boy collapsing into Tony's arms. "hey kid" the others joined him "Bruce do a medical" Bucky came over and gasped "what is it Bucky?" Tony questioned Bucky ripped away Peters tatty sleeve and Metal hit Metal. Peters right arm was silver metal from the shoulder all the way to the finger tips. unlike Bucky his arm was smoothly joined at the top. Tony's eyes widened he had been so happy to see Peter he hadnt noticed "oh what have they done to you kid" Tony let a tear slip down his cheek. "hey Tony he will be ok" Thor picked up Peter and carried him to the Med bay, Peter was the same apart from bruising and a Metal arm. 

~A few days Later~ 

Peter woke up startled he was in his own bed at stark tower. he was home. "Informing Mr. Stark that you are awake Peter" "thank you Friday" Peter grinned when he saw the bruising was gone. he looked normal apart from the metal arm. he looked at it, he could feel through it it was extremely advanced and lightweight. he touched to the wall and was surprised to see his Spiderman powers worked through the Metal. Peter Jumped onto the roof and crawled into the main room. a few people jumped when he said a cheery "good morning" "morning Pete" a few people responded Peter crawled down to Tony's Lab where he was asleep on a chair, so that's why he didn't come running. Peter sat sown beside his father figure and mentor and gently shook him awake.

 "hey Tony" Peter used his first name that always woke him up "KID!?" Tony screeched and hugged him. Peter laughed "yeah its me Mr. Stark" Peter stood up and opened up his arm before tinkering with it a little, he added a few things meaning the arm would be easier to use in everyday tasks. Tony watched his mouth a little open "so can you still spiderman with only one spider arm" "dont need to" Peter responded and jumped onto the roof with his metal arm. "it also has a built in webshooter" Peter grinned showing off his arm. Pepper summoned Tony to a meeting and he groaned. "i have to go see you later dont leave until i can explain what happened" 

Peter headed back upstairs and sat down Bucky came and sat beside him. "so we both have metal arms now then Pete?" "i guess we match Bucky" Peter grinned and high fived Bucky the metal arms clanging. Peter smiled "its good to be home but why cant i go out?" "kid i dont know if its my place to tell you but after two months you were pronounced dead" Peter's eyes widened "so the world thinks im dead, but then do they know about my identity?" Bucky nodded and Peter calmly took a breath "wow ok lots to come back to i guess, how did they take it" "Well Ned and MJ are still mourning you, They visit your memorial grave thing every day after school." "i have a memorial?!" "yeah dude you were the  superhero of Queens" "still am Bucky" Bucky grinned "yeah but no one knows that. the look on their faces when they find out though" Bucky wheezed. "uh huh my best friend and my girlfriend think I'm dead Bucky!" Peter put his head in his hands. Tony walked in "i take it you told him then Buck?" Bucky nodded "you good Peter?" "i want to see Ned and Mj" "of course kid" Peter changed into a black hoodie and jeans he put a glove over his Metal hand so as not to freak anyone out. Tony drove Peter to the small Park where there was a column with a small golden spiderman the ground was covered with flowers and cards. "I'll leave you to it" Tony walked back to the car. Peter climbed into the tree above and pulled up his hood. 

Ned was worried Mj was broken the strongest girl in school was still broken even when Peter had supposedly been dead for four months. This was the last time they would deliberately visit the memorial. Ned walked Mj towards the memorial someone else was here sitting in a tree looking down at their hands. "Hey Mj someone else is here" Ned pointed but the boy was gone. "huh" Mj started crying. They sat on the bench in front of the garden of blue and red flowers. 

Peter watched as his girlfriend broke down he approached the pair "can i sit down?" Mj shook her head but Ned made eye contact "dude" he breathed Peter started crying just a few tears. Ned was beaming now "Mj you are going to want to see who that is" Mj shook her head. Not wanting to look up. Peter crouched in front of her and waited for her to look up. She lifted her head slowly and saw the honey brown eyes of her dead boyfriend "peter" she whispered her tears slowing she grabbed him and almost suffocated him his hood fell back and his brown curls spilled out. "hi MJ" Peter wrapped his arms around her she kissed him and then gave him an odd look "what happened to your-" she started "i guess everyone knows now, Just promise not to freak out" Peter took is jacket off revealing his silver arm. "dude that is so cool" Ned breathed Mj looked shocked "hey baby its ok" Peter stroked her hair with his Metal hand it was soft gentle just like Peters real arm. "i thought you died" she said nestling into his shoulder. "no just got captured by an evil organization for six months" "which one dude" Peter looked to Ned "really dude i come back with a metal arm Hydra dummy, I'm ok now though" 

Ned stood up "I'm going to give you guys some time to catch up" Ned laughed and left. Peter pulled Mj up the tree where there was some privacy. Before he could say anything MJ grabbed him and kissed him as if it was the last time she would do so. it was incredibly emotional for the pair who had been reunited after so long "i love you MJ" Peter said deepening the Kiss Mj pulled away "nope you can do that until i say i love you more" She kissed him back this time together again finally after a whole six months.

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