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Outline- Peter is just an intern in this one but it isn't really relevant for this

Peter shrugged honestly a nature walk? The class was going on a nature walk through the streets of Queens which is probably the least naturistic set of streets there was.

Peter sighed and stepped into line next to Ned who was simply excited to get out of school. Peter hated this sort of thing Queens was full of so much danger that he could sense but he couldnt act on it.

They headed out and Miss Warren couldn't stop pointing things out that were very obvious, like the occasional bush or bird.

The whole class trudged along it was not an educational walk but at least it was out of the stuffy classroom. Peter smiled and looked high into the towering sky scrapers when he saw a spiderman billboard. A grin cracked on his face and he pointed it out to Ned who looked excited but didn't dare talk over Miss Warren. 

The class began tuning out and just following Miss Warren as she guided them around the city. Peter was day dreaming about the evening before when the view had been fantastic when they began to cross the road. 

A large bus came hurtling toward the class who did not have enough time to move. Peter snapped out of it and instinctively jumped in front of the group halting the bus as soon as it hit his palms. He held it still while letting the driver brake.

He gave the driver a stern look and turned around back to his astounded classmates. Peter stood frozen as he saw the people around them filming and everyone but Ned a shocked look on their faces.

"Dude I know you said you could stop a bus with your bare hands in Washington but i thought you were kidding!"

Peter smiled at Ned before addressing his class "ok fun time stopping buses but imma go" Peter waved at his shocked class before jumping into the air and shooting a Web onto a rooftop. How to explain this to Mr. Stark? Wait for him to find it on YouTube? yeah. 

Peter Parker OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now