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Outline- A bit of a different one so it is set during the pandemic and Peter is stuck in the tower

Peter was getting annoyed he was cooped up not that he didn't love his crazy superhero family but having so many people in the same place was insane. Today school had finally set up a system to do online classes. Peter cleared a space in his Lab putting all the gadgets off one desk and putting them away. He set up a holo-screen and keyboard to work on along with all the necessary things like writing utensils and paper.

He was most worried about his family coming in. They had all been given access to his lab as part of a prank, The rest of his class didn't know he was spiderman or a Stark either. He sighed and joined the Zoom muted with his camera off. He was greeted with his smiling classmates, He turned his camera on and his video feed popped up on screen. He waved at his class while they gawked at his surroundings, He decided chat was best as Loki, Thor, Steve and Nat were arguing about the best flavor of pop tarts really loudly. Peter stood up and closed the door to his lab accidentally proving it wasn't just a background. He could still hear the pop tart argument, he slid in an earpiece so he could hear he was met with questions from everyone about where he was. 

He began to type

Peter- Hey guys I'm in my lab cause of the internship then i kinda got stuck here so.                             Ned - awesome dude                                                                                                                                                           Eugene- does anyone know how to change names?

Peter snorted and stayed silent not wanting to say anything. "good morning class" Miss Warrens voice rang in his ear. They all waved "today we will be reviewing the physics topic of force and pressure" as she started to ramble about things Tony had drilled into Peters brain Peter wandered off into his lab and started playing around with a holo design of a new arm for Bucky.

"Peter what are you doing care to explain" he jumped hearing the teachers voice in his ear he carried the holo arm over. "forget we were here Peter?" his teacher sounded stern. He shook his head before sitting in front of the screen. He continued to fiddle with the design.

"Peter you have to speak in order to pass this class" Peter's eyes widened if he turned his microphone you would undoubtedly hear the avengers screaming about pop tarts it was a full blown argument now. Peter clicked a button switching his microphone on 

Loki "obviously strawberry is better!" Thor almost growled "no the lighting type i created in Asgard is superior" mumbles and grumbles regarding Pop tart flavors drifted down the stairs.

"Ok Miss Warren my microphone is on" said Peter slamming his head into the desk. He lifted his head in time to see Tony walk in followed by the pop tart argument "hey kid which is better Strawberry or Smore pop tarts" said Tony rounding the corner "Dad! Shoo" Peter jumped up and started shoving the door shut on them. Peter sighed and leant on the wall he almost screamed in frustration when Bucky came through and gasped at the new arm "hey Pete is that my new arm!" Bucky asked before turning to see Peter banging his head on a desk. "what's wrong" 

Peter couldn't even form words "ghjhgbabjhhgah" he said gesturing at the screen of students "ghjahbuhuh" he pointed at the roof "ghbhihhjh" he slammed his head onto the desk again. Bucky started laughing "GUYS PETE IS ON A ZOOM MEETING!!!!!!!!!!" the other avengers bolted down the stairs and burst into the lab "uhthanksmisswarrenbutigottago" he said logging of and shutting down the computer before getting swarmed by excitable avengers.

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