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Outline: Peter is Tony's son lives in the tower and Shuri comes to visit. this is just a short one but i think its funny?... Maybe anyhoo

Shopping. Tony had taken Shuri and Peter shopping. On a Saturday. With Stephen Strange.

Well Peter and Shuri were having a blast first they visited the Lego shop and found a limited edition rebel bomber ship which would soon be modified to drop real bombs, well glitter bombs and or potatoes. Then they stopped of at a scrapyard which both teens were obsessed with much to Tony's horror.

They then walked into a really busy plaza and they were gone. Tony frantically looked around "Strange can you see them?" he asked looking at the considerably taller man "No Stark" Tony sighed "I'm going to regret this" Strange looked confused "I can find him with mag-" Tony interrupted him "THIS BITCH EMPTY" 

Two heads popped out the crowd "YEET" Tony sighed in relief "over there" he said pointing to where the kids were. The group reunited near a fountain Peter sighed "I'm so proud aren't you proud Shuri" Shuri nodded "his first vine call So proud of you stark" both teens patted him on the shoulder before walking off towards the shops again.

a busy street is not all that great a place to be trying to walk hence why Peter got pushed into a lamppost and fell over "Peter you ok" Shuri said crouching down "Mother Trucker dude that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick" Tony looked flabbergasted "PETE-" he cut himself off when he saw Shuri laughing her head off "whats going on?" Peter shook his head "and here we were thinking you were educated" Shuri sighed "we really set our standards to high"

 "now come on wait a minute" Tony said jogging after the pair "what do you mean not educated?" Shuri gave him an incredulous look "It's from a vine stark i suggest you-" "ChRiS iS ThAt WeEd" Shuri spun round to Peter pointing at a crayon "Peter I'm trying to educate your father help me out? and shoosh" Peter nodded and did indeed shoosh.

 She turned to Tony but before she could speak Peter butted in "Shuri look-" "uhm I'm not finished, lets get started" she said turning to Tony but Peter burst out laughing "oh Ma gawd can you let me do what i need to do" Peter stifled his laughter and hid his face trying not to laugh.

"Listen Stark Peter and I we are just superior you wouldn't understand I'm afraid" Peter nodded "what she said Dad What she said" before linking arms with Shuri and walking ahead "Strange if I hear another one of these vines its going to kill me" Strange nodded "I am confusion" and vanished through a portal Tony sighed "great even the sorcerer supreme knows what vines are"

 he walked to the kids and saw opportunity "whats that?" he asked the kids hiding something "let me see what you have" the pair looked at eachother "A KNIFEE" "NO" "chill Dad it not a knife or maybe it is proud of you though baiii" Tony watched as the pair sprinted off

 "I can just sit here without them dying right? they are responsible enough to go shopping right?" Tony muttered to himself 


"evidently they aren't" Tony sighed standing this was going to be a longgg day.

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