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Outline- Peters class is on a school trip to stark industries but no one has seen Peter for two days.

Ned was worried about Peter he hadnt picked up calls or responded to texts in two days. it was the trip to SI today so maybe he would be there.

Peter was not there he was being held in a warehouse not to far away. the people had tied him to a chair. evidently they did not know of Peter's Spiderlike tendencies so it was a basic tie Peter could easily bust out of. They hadnt gagged him either so he could talk freely. Peter hadnt wanted to show of his spiderman side until they had called Mr. Stark in case there was trouble. there was a camera and a computer near Peter not unlike his Zoom set up. he assumed this would be what they used to contact Mr. Stark, the kidnappers were confused at Peters calm demeanor well they thought he was just Mr. Starks scrawny intern though. 

Peter was in the clothes they had made him put on they weren't too  bad actually unfortunately it was a white vest and simple black joggers and the vest displayed the fact that he wasn't as scrawny as he  looked in his normal attire. this had added a few extra bindings to his arms. He looked genuinely amused. the only thing that could hold him would probably be vibranium restraints in Wakanda. 

The people treated Peter fairly well for kidnappers he was in clean clothes was allowed to go to the bathroom and got fed a little. today was the day that they would be hacking one of the screens in Mr. Starks lab and broadcasting a bored looking Peter to it.

Mr Stark was bustling around the Lab when a tour group came in. Tony recognized it as Peter's class but there was no Peter. "Ted where is Peter?" "it's Ned sir and i haven't seen him in two days i thought he was here"  Tony started tapping on one of his holograms when it started to flicker and was replaced with a live video feed. Peter was sitting with a rope round his waist tied to a chair Mr. Stark almost laughed when he saw Peter's bored expression. He knew Peter was able to break out of those easily. 

a person in black came up into the view he was fully masked. "we have your precious intern      Mr Stark we want a ransom" Peter looked at the man who was caressing his cheek with a knife. "for me really?" he questioned "yes you you are his intern" "pfft I'm a little more than that" he still didn't do anything the man in black looked a little put off and went back out of frame.

"hey kid you alright" "oh hey Mr Stark I'm fine just a little miffed that they stole my favorite hoodie though" Tony laughed "Kid just do your thing but you have some explaining to do when you get back" Mr. Stark stepped aside revealing Peters class "oh high guys this is why i haven't been at school" a few people looked at him in shock who knew Puny Peter Parker would be so calm in a life threatening situation.

 "ok i will be back in a minute hold on" Peter yanked apart his hands and the ropes split easily a few men ran on Peter jumped over the top of them and easily knocked them out a few more people came Peter had not choice but to jump onto the roof and land on top of them. "oh those are mine" Peter grabbed two little black metal bracelets and slipped them on obviously webshooters he then covered the people with sticky web before starting to interrogate them "where is my hoodie? if you dont- " the man pointed at something off screen and Peter skipped back into frame with his hoodie on. "ok ill be back in a sec" he jumped of the screen. Chaos descended in the lab "Peter is spiderman!" at that everyone started running around screaming they stopped when Peter swung through the open window.

"uh hi" "good to see you kid" "good to see you to Mr. Stark" his class rushed over to him. he jumped onto the roof and ran away. to the other side of the lab. "please guys dont trample me" Peter was bombarded with questions and he ran away again. he heard Mr stark screaming that if anyone spilled then no one would be able to make it into any good colleges or jobs.

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