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Outline - Peter lives at the tower  Sorry this is short :)

Tony was worried Peter seemed to be talking to himself on a regular basis he rarely came into the main rooms anymore he only ever left his room to go to the kitchen or the labs. Tony walked into Peter's room "hey kid" "Oh hey Mr. Stark did you meet karen yet?" "no Peter who is karen?" Peter grinned and lifted a fluffy spider into his hands "this is Karen, Say hi Karen" Karen waved a leg at Mr. Stark "so you can talk to spiders now kid?" "yeah they are actually really friendly!" Tony rolled his eyes and left Peter and Karen. 

~few hours later~

Peter walked into the common room with Karen on his shoulder "hey guys" The avengers turned not expecting to see Peter with practically a tarantula on his shoulder. Clint screamed "PETER THERE IS A SPIDERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" "yeah i know this is Karen" Sam looked incredulous "you gave that disgusting thing a name?!" "she is not disgusting and yes i gave her a name" "can you kill it" asked Clint "oh no Clint what did you do"  Peter half shouted. a swarm of spiders came out the elevator and surrounded  Peter "oh hey everyone Noah, Lucas, Charles, Nathan, Evan, Ian, Natalie, Alexis, Ashely, Maya, Samantha, Zoe" the boy continued to greet the spiders by name as the team watched on "oh Clint Sam you might want to start running" said Peter looking away from the spiders. They charged and in Peter's words Yeeted them out the window. Peter scratched the back of his neck nervously as Thor caught the two and placed them back in their seat. "guys you do not throw people out of windows!" said Peter in an amused tone. "no your King does not want you to yeet king's friends out of window... yes i know but still no more yeeeeting!" and with that Peter went back into his room to chat with the spiders.

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