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Outline- Peter is twenty five still going on missions but no one knows much about him apart from his name, age and abilities

All the safehouses were hijacked. the Avengers were stranded on a quintjet above the clouds, Tony was scanning a map for a safe area He sighed and sat down unsuccessful. "does anyone know anywhere we can go?" he asked almost desperate they looked up when Spiderman stood up and walked to the dashboard and put in coordinates. He sat in the pilot seat to avoid stares, "where are we going kid?" Tony asked he still called Peter Kid even though he was now an adult. 

"upstate" he said the Jet flew for about an hour when it slowed above a beautiful forest "woah this is beautiful" said Nat looking out the Window. Peter guided the Jet manually and set it down in a small glen. the hatch opened and revealed the view of a sparkling blue lake graced by willow trees. Peter smiled and sighed, they never saw emotion from Peter anymore so this was surprising. They looked around it was a place of perfect harmony, Peter Led the team into the woods walking along a worn path, the avengers saw little wooden teepees and dens built in a few spots. The whole forest smelt of sweet pine a flash of blue and Peter fell to the ground all the avengers took a fighting stance "no guys its okay" Peter chuckled and turned to behind the tree "Tony come out and meet them please" a small boy who was a replica of Peter came out and over to Peter. Peter lifted him up onto his shoulders, "everyone Meet Anthony Steve Parker" The avengers gaped and both Tony and Steve started crying, "You named your kid after us?" Tony asked "Nah correction Kids" Peter walked again and into a clearing where there was a beautiful cabin Peter stuck his head in the door "Michelle! I kind of brought the avengers!!!" Tony gaped "wait The Michelle from-" "yes the Michelle" This was the Peter everyone knew. A beautiful woman with frizzy brown hair appeared in the doorway, "Hey Pete, oh so you did" she said looking behind him.

"The others are round the back by your Lab" "gah i left stuff out MJ" Peter sprinted around the back of the house and the avengers followed. When they came round they found Peter chasing a six year old girl who looked more like Mj and saw A three year old And a four year old One boy one girl. 

"Ok This little one is Natasha Wanda Parker" he said holding the six year old, "and this Is       Bruce 'Bucky' Clint Parker." he said ruffling the older boys hair "and this Is Carol Hope Parker" The kids barreled down Peter when he said their names Mj came out onto the back porch holding a two year old "and this is Scott Sam Parker" everyone smiled Peter had five kids and they all had a name sake from the avengers.

The avengers hurried over to the Kid that had the same name as them,  They found that each had a mutation of Peter's some had one and some had multiple.

Peter was more like the fifteen year old version of himself that anyone had seen in ages.

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