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Outline- Peter lives at the tower and everyone thinks of him as their responsibility

Peter woke up on time for school today, he grinned and hopped out of bed getting ready quickly and heading into the main room where Steve and Bucky were sitting.

Peter smiled at the pair he had to get going to not be late, he was about to grab cereal when Bucky shoved a plate of pancakes at him peter picked them off the plate and ate a few holding a couple while running  into the elevator.

A few Minutes later Peter was almost at school thanks to his spiderlike enhancements he was still eating pancakes so as not to upset Bucky.

Back at the tower Steve glanced at the clock noting that Peter was thirty-five minutes into his first lesson. He turned round to a flour covered Bucky who was pointing at something behind Steve. Steve turned and saw the familiar blue and grey backpack propped up against the coffee table.

Peter had been in such a rush that he had forgotten to get his bag. Bucky was about to say something but Steve jumped up "i got it Buck!" He grabbed the bag and also ran into the elevator as Peter had nearly an hour ago.

People gave Steve odd looks what was captain America doing running full speed with a teenagers backpack.

Steve zoomed through the streets carefully evading collisions, he ran into the school grounds with Peter's bag. Many students who were on the playing fields saw and started murmuring. 

Peter looked out his chemistry class window and blanched when he saw the familiar super soldier carrying his bag. Before Peter could excuse himself to stop Steve from coming into the classroom there was a knock on the door.

Peter shrunk in his seat, Miss warren opened the door and looked up there was THE captain America standing outside he door with Peter Parker's backpack. 

Steve walked over to Peter and put the bag on his desk, "Hey Queens you left this at the tower this morning" said Steve cheerily "I noticed Uncle Steve" Peter sat up in his seat ignoring his classmates awed looks.

"Um but Uncle Steve you know if you come through the doors of the school it sends an emergency Protect Peter alert to everyone?" Peter whispered. Steve grinned evilly "great Peter that's great!" Peter slammed his head onto the desk as he heard the familiar sound of machinery outside the window as well as a clank in the vents above.

"You can go now Steve" said Peter almost pleading but it was too late Tony opened the window and flew in with Nat holding onto the suit.

"Steve Peter's fine why did you come in?" said Tony looking over at Peter. "He left his bag at the tower so i brought it over"

Peter was hiding now as Wanda, Pietro and Clint appeared. Sam also flew through the window, Peter looked more embarrassed than anyone thought was possible. 

Everyone looked over as Peter stood up abruptly and everyone turned to look at him, "guys as much as I appreciate you coming to make sure nothing happened to me i'm fine you can go now"

"Peter the protocol states we stay with you for at least an hour" said Tony "Yeah I know!" Peter grumbled and then jumped out his seat pulled open the window and jumped through it. They were four stories up so a jump like that would kill most. His worried class ran over to the window to see Peter lying on his back in the middle of the basket ball court- Sunbathing.

He waved up at the astounded class. The rest of the avengers joined Peter in his sprawled out position on the court while Miss Warren tried  her best to regain the classes attention.

Peter Parker OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now