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Outline- Peter is about thirteen and Tony is his dad he was also born with his abilities

Peter grinned this was going to be awesome everything was set for when his Dad arrived home with friends from work as he called them.

Peter knew that his Dad's friends were nice and apparently cool and some were very very old. The elevator doors pinged open there were a few peaceful moments of silence until somone tripped the tripwire.

Immediately gluitter a glitter of Peter's personal design that stuck to everyone and everything it came into contact with poured from the ceiling. Disgruntled yells came from the elevator as a few people stumbled out. 

Peter had concealed himself in an Invis-suit that made him blend in and it was also gluitter resistant.

Tony stood wiping glitter from the lenses of his glasses only one child could be responsible for this.

"PETER BENJAMIN STARK REVEAL YOURSELF!" Tony screeched as his friends stood up trying to brush the glitter off to no avail.

A few looked confused when they heard Tony screech a name but it wasn't comprehensible enough to hear. 

They watched as a young boy appeared out of no where a fist to his mouth to stop the laughter He looked to be in his early teens brown curly hair big brown eyes and a very defined jawline not unlike Tony

Nat looked carefully between the boy and Tony taking in the details comparing the two father and son that's what they were The Tony Stark has a child.

Tony looked at Peter who was trying so hard not to laugh. "Kid Why? Come here" Peter walked over to Tony who hugged him trying to spread the gluitter onto him nothing moved. Peter giggled "Sorry Dad im wearing gluitter protection" 

Steve looked at Tony "Dad?" Tony's eyes widened "Oh shoot Nat, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Sam, Wanda, Bruce, Hope, Scott, Rohdey, Thor, Loki, T'challa, Shuri This is Peter Stark" 

Peter eyed Shuri curiously he had never seen another thirteen year old look so bored in his life so he raised an eyebrow at her T'challa looked at Tony "Please say your boy knows nothing of this Vine these young people are obsessed over?" Tony paled "I-" 

Peter's face broke into a grin and threw an empty gluitter canister at Shuri "dis Bitch empty" Shuri's face also broke into a grin as she caught the canister throwing it into the group "YEET" Peter squealed as did Shuri and the pair ran off.

"LaNgUaGe" Steve yelled down the corridor after the retreating youngsters. "Stark what have you done?" T'challa grumbled slightly "honestly what just happened?" asked Clint "These to idiots let two vine obsessed children near one another obviously" Loki said disapprovingly "but then I am no better" he said running of after the pair.

about half an hour later Shuri and Loki knew of Peter's spiderman abilities and the three were telling stories.

"Peter what is the funniest thing you have said to a mere mortal?" Loki asked lounging on a beanbag Peter and Shuri looked at the god "please do tell Peter?"

 Peter grinned "well This  bloke said to me i'm going to attack you with the neck of this guitar and I was chilling like why tell me but then I flipped down and was like is that a fret?"  All three broke into fits of laughter "Shuri what's the funniest you have ever had?" 

Shuri smirked "well I was looking after the Wakandan Heart shaped herbs they're like this purple flower that gives the black panther powers but anyway this dude who is like nine and has a really odd crush on me came up to me but i cut him off with a Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sunflowers are yellow"

Shuri let out an evil smile "he started to looked really hopeful but then I was like I bet you were hoping for something romantic? nope just gardening facts then I patted his head and walked off" 

Peter burst out laughing "Loki?-" Loki shook his head "I prefer not to talk about it lets just say it involves a snake and stabbing my brother"

Peter chuckled nervously "okkk Moving on what to do now?" Shuri put her chin on her hands lying flat on her stomach "I mean we could prank someone?" 

the boys lit up "yes!" "Yes those mewling quim shall kneel before the Vine squad!" Loki almost yelled he looked at the slightly younger pair "too much" 

Shuri jumped up "Nothing is Too Much when it comes to VINE muhHahaahHAHamaA" Peter looked slightly concerned before joining in the evil laughing" 

The group quieted down and opened the door prepared to scare the daylights out of the others. Peter looked down before picking up a large object "Guys what is this?" Peter turned holding the iconic hammer in his hands Loki's jaw dropped and Shuri's eyes widened "the small mortal is worthy?!" Loki exclaimed quietly "What do you mean?" Peter said fiddling with the hammer "Never mind sweet Peter" Loki said motioning for him to put the hammer down Peter did so and Loki shifted into a snake.

Shuri and Peter made their way into the living room full of glittery Avengers and sat down calmly and pretended to talk. Loki slithered in and Shuri began to scream making multiple people jump into the air Peter joined in the chaos throwing Potatoes he had appeared out of no where "where did he even find those?!" Tony exclaimed watching the teens run around waving their hands and throwing potatoes.

Tony watched as the potatoes began to explode covering the already rather sparkly Avengers with potato.

"Kid why?" Tony watched as he was chased by the avengers Shuri was caught by her brother and Loki by his only after sufficiently stabbing Thor in the side though.

But Peter oh no never getting caught unfortunately no one here could fly apart from Wanda who had left early to go out with Vision. 

Peter was on the roof. Stuck to the roof and he was not coming down The Avengers sat beneath awaiting Peter's fall little did they know he was actually taking a nap and that sight is what Pepper came back to Her son taking a nap on the roof surrounded by glittery potato covered avengers.

She sighed and pulled gummy spiders out of her bag Peter's eyes flew open at the crinkle of the bag and was immediately standing above his Mum with Puppy eyes "come down then you can have one" Peter dropped and flipped upright pleading for the gummy that was inspired by his superhero.

The Avengers gaped they had been sitting here the whole time and they only needed to have opened a bag of Spiderman themed gummies?!

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