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Outline: so lemme tell you i spent hours trying to get their ages to line up and lemme tell you it didn't work so I'm just gonna tell you how old they are at the same time and thats how its is in this book kay if you cant tell I'm annoyed by how long that took. also this is a little short one!

 ▪ Peter is 16                                 ▪ Nathaniel is 4 

 ▪ Harley is 16                              ▪ Morgan is 5

 ▪ Cooper is 12                            ▪ Cassie 11

 ▪ Lila is 10                                    ▪ Kate is 13

Peter sighed so far today was going great he and Harley were supposed to be babysitting the Barton kids plus Cassie and by going great he meant there was currently a chicken in the kitchen sink a pony in the living room more chickens in the garage at least one sheep in the dining room and Bessie the cow sitting on the couch. Peter was going mad at this point he was at a complete loss AND even better Harley wasn't helping at all in fact Harley was making it worse  Lila and Cassie had run off somewhere probably shooting something Morgan and Nate were traumatizing Bessie and Cooper was no where to be found.

Peter looked down and screeched there was a blackish brown chicken sitting in the shadows of the couch staring at him, Peter had just about had it and sat down with a bag of crisps he sighed and opened it and just like that the chicken was there he jumped up and screeched "stop stalking me!" he screeched and ran out the house slamming the door

 he took a deep breath before hearing a loud explosion "GIRLS YOU BETTER NOT BE PLAYING WITH CLINTS TRICK ARROWS" three girls appeared around the corner "KATE HOW DID YOU EVEN- i dont wanna know just dont blow anything or anyone else up"  Peter rubbed his temple "holy! how did you gah" Peter had looked down and THAT chicken was sitting next to him Peter walked back into the house without taking his eyes off the chicken he closed the door and turned around "HOW HOW WHAT HOW" there she was sitting on the counter next to the small brownish chicken who seemed to be stuck in the sink. 

Peter stepped carefully over Morgan Nate and the sleeping pony to help the chicken out of the sink "Peter? are you traumatizing Martha?" asked Harley  Peter gaped "ME TRAUMATSING HER?! WHAT ABOUT ME" peter paused to help the chicken he now knew to be Louise out of the sink "Harls how do you even know their names we've been here for three hours?" Harley shrugged and ran off again.

Peter carefully picked up Morgan and Nate moving them out of harms way and went upstairs to put them in Nates room. once they were safely out of harms way Peter checked upstairs he heard an odd flapping coming from the bathroom and opened the door cautiously.  

There was a small greyish brown Duck sitting in a full bath of water they stared at each other "Charlie listen here- gah" A sopping wet duck flapped out the room and made a sprint for it down the corridor "No get back here SWEETCORN" the duck skidded to a stop and turned to stare at Peter who had a couple pieces of sweetcorn that Harley had thrown at him earlier.

Charlie changed direction and stormed down the corridor toward Peter who screamed and started running but screeched to a stop IT WAS HER the chicken that was definitely following him there was no way she wasn't no way He chucked the sweetcorn down the stairs and the pair ran off. Peter leant against the wall letting out a breath of relief.

so headcount Lila, Kate and Cassie are in the backyard unsupervised with explosive arrows. Harley was running around the house with a potato gun loaded with sweetcorn. Nate and Morgan were sleeping and Cooper was probably with Harley Peter could only hope Harley wasn't rubbing off on him.

Peter slowly crept down the stairs and headed into the dining room picking up the three sheep sprawled across the floor and ushering them out the door. He then went to find Bessie waking her up and leading her outside also. The pony whats he called again oh yeah Cody "Come on Cody wake up" Peter ruffled his ears and Cody jumped up headbutting Peter with a face full of golden floof.

Peter rubbed his nose and pulled Cody out the house and back to the stables. Just when Peter thought his day couldn't get any worse he felt an ice cube drop down his shirt he didn't even need to turn around to know who it was due to the recognizable cackle "HARLEY" peter said shaking the ice out of his shirt and at that moment he webbed the two boys to the tree behind them "you two are staying there until Clint gets back." Peter said and walked off.

he jogged down to the fields narrowly dodging an arrow which erupted in slime behind him "GUYS why are you shooting towards the house?!" he said reaching the trio "ok I'm confiscating these" he said webbing the duffle bag of trick arrows towards him and lifting it onto his shoulder "targets and normal arrows girls. Normal. arrows." They sighed and agreed to the conditions "BY THE WAY KATE IS IN CHARGE SHE'S OLDEST" Peter shouted over his shoulder "NOT FAIR PETER" Peter shrugged and walked off. Peter stowed the arrows away and went inside sitting down on the sofa he sensed a presence next to him "MARTHA NOOO"

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