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Part 3 Final part! unless you guys want a fourth

Outline- Peter doesn't know the avengers but is spiderman and there is no civil wars stuff just cause oh and Ned and Mj know about Spidey 

also Sorry for being inactive i dont remember if I told you but I may or may not have fractured my wrist by tripping over my friends dog...

Peter felt an odd tingle as the device fell, both adult's eyes widened then the device hit the floor. kaboom the whole building shook. 

"What is that thing?" Peter asked Bruce ignored him "we got to get everyone out now!" He exclaimed the hulk side of him showing a little. His classmates were safe Peter had checked they had gotten away.

Currently Peter, Mr Stark, Bruce were surrounded by rubble that Peter could easily shift, Bucky and Steve could be seen on the second floor looking down to see if they were ok.

Peter found one of the Spidey nanotech suits and slipped into it he grinned and easily climbed out the wall allowing Karen to assess the damage the tiny device had caused he found that there were civilians as well as Happy and Mrs. Potts trapped in a small space and rapidly running out of oxygen due to the fires.

He crawled through to them he watched as Pepper fell he immediately pulled off his mask giving Pepper oxygen a Happy gaped at the young boy who he could just see.

Peter lifted the large concrete beam that had fallen across the path. He grabbed Pepper and much to Happy's protest picked him up and jumped up through the levels landing coughing next to the other Avengers who had now congregated in the somewhat open space where the bomb blew.

The ones who didn't know Peter gaped while Nat ran to him. Peter had inhaled a large amount of smoke and was coughing violently. Nat patted him on the back and tried to stop him going back in but Peter sprung up urgently and ran back in.

He searched through the spiraling smoke he knew there was a small life form down here was it a child? He shielded his face from the heat as he pushed on. Peter noticed a lock of hair and immediately pulled the rubble away a small girl who looked like Mr. Stark was lying out cold but unharmed. 

He listened and could hear the screaming of Pepper as she realized Morgan wasn't there and the sound of Tony's broken voice.

Peter scooped up the girl he was going to pass out he could tell the fire below him began swirling as this section had been sealed of apart from the top so the fire couldn't spread. Peter held the girl tight as he climbed making it over the edge Peter was about to get her down but she wouldn't let go as he began to fall backwards into the flames.

Peter smiled as he felt the girl leave contact with his body.

Tony saw the boy slipping away and grabbed Morgan stepping back from the gaping hole in the floor Nat was crying NAT the Natasha Romanoff was crying as the others tried to comfort her.  Tony spun as he saw a hand fly up and catch the edge of floor.

Nat grabbed the hand and pulled Peter up so he was laying over her lap he was now out cold. She looked to Bruce who had now calmed.

Everyone jumped into action Bruce and Nat running off to the med bay with unconscious Peter while the others ran to check for civilians.

Hours later Peter woke with a start to see the news listing all that had died why was May on that list? Did she come to pick Peter up early as a surprise he started to cry seeing her name when he felt  a small movement beside him.

Peter looked down to see the young girl he had saved wrapping her arms around him. He smiled and hugged her back "and who might you be?" He asked her "Morgan Stark" she replied happily and kept hold of Peter "well um I'm Peter Parker" 

"Nice to meet you big brother" Peter pulled her back slightly "what?" "well Dad said if you want you can be my big brother but even if you aren't officially you will be cause you saved me" Peter pulled her into a hug again and she happily wrapped her arms around him.

Peter looked up when he heard a few people enter Morgan spun round now sitting next to Peter while he had his arm round her shoulders. 

He looked up to see Pepper Tony Nat Bruce and a concerned looking lady. Peter was confused until he saw he badge he was either becoming a Stark or being taken to an orphanage. The lady smiled "I will leave you to talk" 

Peter hugged the small girl closer to his side out of nervousness when Tony sat down on his bed, Tony reached for Morgan "Morgan come here" she shook her head "Me or him?" Morgan looked between the two and held firmly to Peter who smiled and looked up to see Nat dying of silent laughter on the floor with Pepper.

 Tony looked at his wife and back at his daughter "see Pep now we have to keep the puppy otherwise we cant have our daughter" That only made the two women on the floor laugh harder "welcome to the family Pete" Peter smiled "thank you Dad"

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