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Outline- the avengers know about Peter being spiderman no one else though except May Ned and MJ. 

Peter was swinging through the streets of Queens looking for something to do when he saw a pair of men dressed in all black mugging a woman, he quickly landed behind the Men and webbed them up they both had guns Peter carefully bent down and helped the woman up and handing her bag to her. she nodded a quick thanks before running away. Peter sensed danger but it was too late, one of the men had managed to pull the trigger of their gun. 

Peter doubled over a burning sensation in his stomach he looked down and saw three clean bullet holes, oops "Karen call Mr. Stark Now!" he would rather not call Mr. Stark but he would be killed if he hid this by Mr. Stark not the bullets. "hey kid what's up" Peter groaned "Karen read his vitals" "Three punctures in his torso condition critical" "oh god kid I'm on my way" 

soon the thud of an Iron man suit landed beside Peter and Lifted him up Peter let out a scream of pain when he was moved. "Friday tell Bruce to get the Med bay ready, Peter is in a critical condition" a few moments later the iron man suit landed on the roof of stark tower. Peter had passed out from blood loss a few moments before landing. 

Tony rushed Peter into the Med bay and Bruce screeched when he saw the bullet holes in Peter's stomach. "what did he do?!" "he got shot Bruce" "i know i can see that?! shoo Tony let me work" Tony left and started pacing outside the room, This kid is really going to be the death of him.

a few hours later Bruce Yelled for Tony. Tony jerked awake and dashed into the room, Peter's vitals were calm "is he going to be ok?" "yes Tony he will be fine but no way is he allowed to go on the 'secret' field trip tomorrow" "yeah no way is he going on that" the two adults pulled up holograms around Peter of his suit, where the damage had been sustained, what upgrades could be made to the suit so that this didn't happen. Peter was asleep the whole time the damage looked quite bad his torso was completely wrapped in bandages with three red spots across it. "hey Mr. Stark" Peter peeled his eyes open he was feeling a lot better. He sat up slightly and took a sharp breath in "ouch" "kid calm down you got shot" Tony placed a hand on his shoulder "three times" Bruce added "right ok what time is it?" "go back to sleep kid you aren't going to school tomorrow" "but Mr Stark its the trip tomorrow" "no kid no way dont get shot next time" Peter nodded and fell into a deep sleep again. 

~time skip to next morning brought to you once again by Gerald~

Peter woke up suddenly and looked at the clock it was an hour into school time, he lay back down. Bruce came in "oh Peter you're awake we need to change those bandages" "ok Bruce" Peter sat up and the bandages were slowly taken off. Bruce checked the bullet holes "these are healing nicely you should be good by Monday. Luckily its Friday so you wont miss any more school." "i need to move around Bruce "ok you can go on a walk but only around this floor, first let me wrap you up again." Peter nodded and allowed Bruce to again cover him in the white fabric. Peter stood up and stretched slightly testing the wounds. 

Peter walked into the avengers lounge area to see Nat and Tony sitting chatting "Hey guys!" "oh Peter you feeling better bud" "yeah a lot better thanks for coming to get me Tony" Peter heard familiar voices. that was flash and Ned arguing - the field trip it was here. Peter sprinted back to the Medical room which tore one of the bullet holes open he collapsed. "jeez Peter what did you do!" "i ran away" "jeez ok" Bruce changed the bandages once more but before he could finish a knock on the door "No Bruce dont-" Peter spoke to late Bruce slipped out and Peter listened.

 "hello Kids this is the med bay I'm sorry we have to keep this brief currently i am dealing with spiderman who got shot three times in the chest" Peter heard gasps come from Ned and MJ "is he ok?" Ned asked then Bruce gasped realizing it was Peters class. Peter begged him silently not to say it "oh you are his class!" why Bruce why Peter thought He was the only one not in the class today. Mj busted through the door and Peter looked up Mj had slammed the door behind her so as not to let anyone see. "how did you get yourself shot?!" she screeched "it wasn't deliberate Mj its not exactly fun" The class listened to the exchange Mj was screeching at Spiderman they knew spiderman. "Bruce you might as well open the door it doesn't matter anymore they all signed a Waver. "you sure" Bruce's uncertain voice rung through the door "yeah"

The class walked in and Spiderman was facing the other wall with Mj the injuries looked pretty bad from the back, what shocked them was the mop of brown curly hair. Only one person in their class had brown curly hair. "Hey Peter" Ned sat beside Peter on the bed, Peter winced "did he just say Peter?" 

Peter took a deep breath and turned around. the class started whispering when the boy turned but most jaws hit the floor when they recognized the weak shy classmate that had been bullied for so long, flash paled then recovered "no way Parker is Spiderman" "Flash you seriously still dont believe me?" "no how much did you pay for them to bandage you and let you sit there" "oh so a paid someone to shoot me as well then?" "you aren't actually injured!" a few of the class agreed with flash Peter rolled his eyes and unwrapped the bandages revealing the three bullet holes in his chest. "believe me now?" a few people shook their heads. "nope those are healed" "for goodness sake flash, Friday pull up my vitals and scan please the ones with my mask off." the lights dimmed and hundred of pictures and videos of Peter in the spiderman suit injured or not. "show the video of last night" they class watched as Iron man landed with a limp Spiderman in his arms he place the boy on the floor and called Bruce before taking his mask off.

 Peter paused the video and zoomed in on himself bleeding out on the roof. "that enough proof flash?" "that has to be fake!" everyone was now looking at flash incredulously. "sorry flash no its not" "prove it" Peter sighed and stuck onto the roof before wincing and falling back to the bed. one of the wounds was bleeding again. Flash paled "ok i think i believe that" "finally" Peter breathed and the class watched as the blood stopped and Peter replaced his bandages.

Tony and Bruce were talking outside when Tony saw Peter's vitals drop again he Bruce and         Mr Harrington who had gone to the bathroom walked into the med bay. Mr. Harrington had walked back in to see his students gathered around a hologram of Peter in the spiderman suit. he turned to the boy sitting on the bed with three obvious bullet wounds. He gaped at the shy kind peter parker with bullet holes in his chest, quite unbelievable. "Kid why you doing spiderman stuff lie down" Tony stark was babying Peter "TONYY I'm FINE!" Peter exclaimed. "finally you called me Tony" "shut up MR.STARK" Peter teased. "ugh kid you will be the death of me" Tony ruffled Peters hair and turned to the class who was watching. "ok tours over I'm sure you can escort yourselves out" the class started walking to the door Ned turned around "bye Peter see you Monday" "Bye Ned!" Peter lay back down he would have a lot of explaining to do.

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