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Outline- Peter needs to find a way to reveal himself to his school as he wants them to know before the world (Mj doesn't know Ned does but cant help)

Peter woke up, Today he had to start making it very obvious that he was spiderman. He and Tony had decided it best as he would reveal to the public once the school students had worked it out.

He pulled his suit on and put the mask away in his bag he pulled joggers and a jumper over the suit and headed to school. He was side tract so he forgot that he didn't zip up his hoodie allowing the spider suit to be seen.

"Hey Pete nice shirt" said Ned as he saw the suit. Peter rolled his eyes "Ned it is the suit not a shirt." Ned's jaw dropped "dude you wore it to school!" "yeah i have to tell everyone somehow, Without your help" 

the day continued and Peter got a few compliments on his shirt. I mean really this is supposed to be a school of genius kids. Peter picked a Monday to start on so that he had PE.  Today was athletics it was kind of a practice sports day that didn't account to anything but was still a competition. The idea was so that students could compete to see how good they were at the sports and which they wanted to enter.  

Peter smirked when he walked into the changing room, Today he wouldn't hide in the corner and let flash taunt him for not having muscle. "HEY PENIS come change over here where there is no where to hide!" flash said mockingly. Peter smiled and walked over to where Flash had gestured- the middle bench. Everyone was surprised that Peter had actually done it.

Peter put his bag down and got out his PE kit. "Awh Parker you going to show us that scrawny body of yours?" "that depends flash are you going to show me your stick body" Flash fumed when Peter talked back "Boys did you hear that Puny Parker called me a stick" everyone laughed until Peter started taking of layers he stripped all the way down to his vest before checking his phone.

He let them look at his arms for a second before revealing his eight pack, Flash gulped and the other boys that supported him took a step back "you were saying flash?" Peter asked smirking before standing up to put on his PE shirt. 

The boys changed in silence before joining the rest of the group in the gym. "ok everyone we will be rotating through different stations 1. High jump 2. Long jump 3. Sprint  4. long distance 5. climbing.

Peter grinned all of these sports were literally Spiderman's forte, everyone lined up by the high jump it was set at a little over a meter. About fifteen of the thirty cleared it perfectly including Peter and Flash, everyone was shocked since when could Peter do sports?

the bar was moved up to two meters eliminating another seven people, Peter and Flash were still in the running as well as MJ because she could literally step over the bar. 

It was upped to three meters which was the record that flash set. everyone failed until only flash and Peter were left to jump, Flash smirked before running and just making it over the beam. "Ok the rule with this today is to make it over you dont need to keep specific form. 

Peter grinned and walked across the gym to get a run up, he ran and practically flew into the air a few meters over the bar and landed on the mat before taking a bow to his stunned classmates and returning to the back next to Ned who was cracking up. 

The long jump track was much to short for Peter's Jump so he ran first clearing the entire sandpit and landing on the other side. before putting his marker at the location again ignoring his stunned class.

The sprint Peter would have fun with he could look like he was jogging and still run faster than everyone else. He took a lane next to flash and started jogging to stay slow with the others. Flash was angry how was parker absolutely destroying him. Peter continued to beat everyone in everything they were a school for genius kids they would figure it out. 

Peter Parker OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now