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Outline-  Peter is in Foster care doesnt know Tony also this has Tony x Steve so if that makes you uncomfortable skip this chapter it wont have very much though sorry if this is bad i haven't been writing as much so im a little rusty

warnings: Abuse (sorry this is violent)

Peter slumped onto his bed among the other children who had been sound asleep for hours he surveyed the youngest - Alex who seemed to have a new cut across her cheek obviously still James had been in a bad mood after having dealt with Peter so took it out on a younger child.

Peter accepted that he would never be adopted after all who wanted a fifteen year old who loved science forget the fact that he was extremely skinny and always bruised from the combination of James' outbursts and Spiderman.

James hit children Peter took the brunt of it as he was the oldest and had healing powers so whenever James called for the young ones like Alex or Ewen then he would take their place, Naturally the children loved him as he was kind by nature and very giving he would escort the children to school as James refused and help them with homework on top if his own workload. 

Luckily Peter was very smart and always had good grades no matter what was going on at home well it wasn't really a home it could only be a home if there was love and happiness and warmth and when Peter was there well the kids felt it they felt as though they belonged to a family.

Peter as much as he did enjoy looking after the kids was constantly in pain whether he was shot as spiderman or whipped by James. 

Today had been one of the bad days Peter had been stabbed the night before on patrol then James lashed him right over  said stab wound reopening it. he had limped to school then spent most of the day passed out in the nurses office this lead to another beating from James for him then he took a beating for Ewen who dropped from an A to a B+ in his maths and one for Jessie who had scraped her knee during break. Then after a grueling patrol he made it home to see an announcement that there would be a viewing on Saturday or today as Peter had seen it at two thirty in the morning.

after thinking all that through he fell asleep just after switching out his Spidey suit for normal clothes.

Peter's eyes cracked open to see Alex curled up next to him on the bunkbed how did she even get up? the ladder broke years ago. He sat up and gently shook the girl awake she murmured and shuffled upright "Heya Alex what you doing up here" he said gently pushing her silver blond ringlets out of her face "i had a nightmare and you looked so tired i didn't wanna wake you up Petey" Peter smiled softly "you ok?" She nodded "Well we need to get down lets go!" Peter hoisted Alex up onto his shoulders and grinned when she squealed and gripped onto his hair he jumped of the edge and lowered himself with one arm. 

"There you go Alex" he said setting her on the floor "now go get ready someone is gonna get out of this hellhole!" Alex ran out back to her side of the room while Peter changed into some jeans, a worn out dress shirt and a blue jumper. 

Tony was sitting in the tower contemplating it was Saturday tomorrow so all the orphanages would be open all Tony wanted was a kid but as he and Steve were both male that wasn't really possible. Steve walked in and sat beside his husband smiling "what ya thinking about Tony?" he asked casually grinning when he managed to unlock his phone "what do you think of kids Steve?" Tony said straight up.

Steve let out a strangled sound of surprise "Kids?" "yeah kids Steve" " well Tony Kid not Kids and a teenager" Tony nodded "i was thinking that too we cant really be having a toddler running around here its not exactly safe"

Steve nodded in agreement "so when-" Tony cut him off with excited chatter "we can go see them all tomorrow there are a few around there is one called dusty autumn orphanage and there is James' Orphanage and-" "Tony chill please" 

Tony took a deep breath "sorry i was thinking we go to the Autumn Orphanage and if there isn't anyone then we can go to James cause James is further away" Steve made a noise of agreement "sounds good so whe-" "tomorrow!" Steve chuckled "calm down" 

Peter smiled as he led Alex into the living room but immediately dropped the smile and the little girls hand when he saw James back turned a small droplet of blood on his hand that was not his own or Peters. Peters blood boiled when he noticed the small figure on the ground he recognized it to be Owen one of the slightly older eight year olds as James threw the whip back Peter jumped forward catching the end of the studded leather it cut into his hand slightly but it slipped out of James grip.

James spun around and backhanded Peter across the face his hand flew up to his cheek which was now burning hot. The younger girls squealed in surprise no one had actually seen Peter take a beating he was always dragged away, everyone knew it happened but Peter always smiled.

Peter pulled his hand away from his face wiping blood from his cheek, "go children" James shouted and everyone filed into the main room this was Peters favorite room it was well maintained and had all the books as it was only available on Saturday Peter checked up all the children helped Owen settle down and clean up cleaned his own hands before running directly over to the window seat where a large pile of books was he quickly picked up the third volume of Dr. Banners books on Gamma radiation and a book all about Tony Starks journey and the science behind the arc reactor which was really simple to Peter, and propped them open before pulling out a book full of sketches for amazing machines and designs for AI and coding picking up a pencil and getting to work.

Tony had been bouncing around all day apparently this was the most exciting thing he had done in months. Tony had become extremely excited when Steve said yes to finding a Kid so had gone and found every Orphanage in the whole of New York. turned out there were quite a few 32 to be exact and Tony wanted to visit every single one. All 32 of them. Every single one.

31 down 1 to go Steve sighed as Tony dragged him up another driveway they had met hundreds of kids yet no one was perfect. By now they had decided they wanted a teenage boy no older than seventeen no younger than twelve, preferably into science or at least not completely bored by it but at this point the science seemed to much to ask, it was really difficult to find a teenage boy who was into science and calm helpful and gentle rather than being stuck up and overly confident.

Steve had made Tony promise that if they didn't find anyone perfect here they were not going to expand the search to all of America to those conditions Tony had reluctantly agreed, This Orphanage was strange it gave Tony the heeby jeebies.

but it all vanished when he saw the doe eyed teenager sitting at the window......

haha wait for part 2 

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