My First Entry A Neutral Entry (America)

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27 April, 1817

Dear Diary, why do I need a diary? I'm pretty sure expressing what I think aloud to compare with others is fine enough for me. I love hearing each and every representative's thoughts and opinions, the way they process presents their characters surely, with proud stances and loud, direct tones. Let me start by saying my name is Alfred F. Jones. Believe it or not, whenever I ask what my middle name is when I first received this name, they decline from telling me. Today I was woken up by curtains drawn to reveal sunlight that casted straight onto my face followed by a cheery voice saying, "Wake up, wake up America, Alfred! I have wonderful news to tell you!" I tried waving him off, to allow me a little more time of resting. That, of course, didn't happen. " Now, now, Alfred, that behavior won't be of any use in the future or today, get up!" He obviously wouldn't budge, so I rose. I asked him what was the occasion, to which he replied, "The Rush-Bagot Agreement has officially sprang into action! All rights aboard the Great Lakes have balanced and the border of forty-nine degrees latitude has been established! Peace once more!" The word 'peace' was what pulled me out of my exhausted trance and yell with happiness; the War of eighteen-twelve was over three years ago, and now we have a border along with balanced rights over waters! Britain had backed off my affairs and actually returned to his country! Now that I think of it, what alternative life would I be living had we not fought back the Red Coats? Our trade would be doomed, we can't freely distribute information without them saying something about it, we wouldn't be where we are today. It only got better. My representative also said something about having a 'sort-of celebration for this agreement gathering' between us and British Canada, "This gathering will take hold on April twenty-eighth in New York at precisly five o' clock sunset. It being held in our grounds was the only way of having a possibility of their arrival other than saying 'You have to come under strict order', which sounds a tad harsh if I do say so myself. Before I forget, you will be meeting with a boy by the name of Matthew, British Canada, British North America, or if you must, just Canada. If I were you, please don't give him eyes of an Observant, he may take it the wrong way of planning another invasion. The poor boy is scared pale after what we did. I will pick your clothes for you, so just prepare yourself and make yourself look friendly at the least. Keep a smile on your face, keep those eyes bright, and generally make your appearance warm and welcoming to the boy. That's an order." With that he left and closed the door, leaving me standing and deciding whether smiling was appropiate or not. I was excited, yet I was also reluctant at meeting Matthew again. I confess, the remorse that's still lingering inside me for what I did to him, attempting to make him my thirteenth colony under the influence of my war adrenaline. I shouldn't be saying this, but I want to try and get acquainted with Matthew, have a friend to converse with as I'm growing; someone to grow up with, make happy memories instead of depressing. This is my only opportunity, I suppose. Well, I need to start preparing for the celebration tomorrow, second impressions have to make up for First's. Worry not, diary, I assure you that I will find purpose for you in the meantime, now is not possible.

Your keeper, Alfred

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