He Didn't Give Me a Fever, Did He? (Canada)

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25 April, 1898

        Dear Diary, my forehead is steaming right now. I don't know what's causing it to heat up, I may be coming up with a fever. It started when Alfred gave me a peck on my forehead. Was he sick with a fever and I didn't know? No, that's not possible, otherwise he wouldn't have been sent off. I was surprised when he did that, he doesn't think of me "that way", does he? I don't know! I'd prefer not to get into detail about it, this burn is making me dizzy and hollow. I forgot to mention in my last entry that I went ahead and threw in a little present for Alfred, as a friendly little memorabilia of me awaiting his arrival back from the Philippines...that is, if he WILL BE coming back. I'm concerned at how harsh the war will be to him and if he can withstand the armada. However he did say that he'll make certain to write to me anytime he's available, so that brightens up my mood. The present was a maple leaf, the biggest leaf I found so far. The best thing about it was there weren't any tears to be seen. Caretaker examined my face and compared it to the rest of my skin. He said the temperature of the rest of my body compared to my forehead was normal body temperature. So it was just the spot that was steaming, strange. He said I shouldn't fret because it won't kill me. Instead he told me to rest, it will go away faster if I do. This last sentence and then it's lights out for me: I can't depict whether the peck meant something as a soothing action, but whatever I will make of it, I admit I felt really happy after it, more happy than I was before and after he left.

Your friend, Matthew

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