Good Going, New York (America)

142 10 0

27 December, 1929

I finally got more pens, but the price was raised to $4 a pen. Bah, this is horrible, and it's just a pen! A silly little pen!

Anyways, I touched bases with New York and told him to fix the problem at once or else almost the majority of the world will hate us (although I can clearly tell they already do, I mean, we were the one leading this whole thing). 

When he gave me his analysis, the paper showed that Canada was losing more than the United States at a faster rate. All I can make of this is we are putting a lot of poverty into some countries you wouldn't think, stoop as low as we are right now. I can't even travel back through Harlem without being confronted by someone who is either threatening or begging me for money.

Too many people internationally are more shocked than angry which sends them into a pit of despair. I am the opposite, I'm more angry at the situation than saddened, and I'm trying to do all I can with the fact that I disfavor nothing more than managing green for others. Don't think I'm stupid though, I'm still smart. It's just not in this area.

Your keeper, Alfred

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