He Wasn't There (America)

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5 November, 1899

        Dear Diary, I couldn't find Matthew anywhere. I got back about a month ago and immediately headed to our rendezvous location, he wasn't there. After waiting an hour or two to see if he'd show up, which he didn't, I requested that I'd be driven to see his caretaker in person. My boss said that this was a preposterous act and I should write him a letter first. Letters take long to send! I've already written enough letters these past months, I'm not writing any more for the time being. I kept into my room until nightfall to escape towards Matthew's house under the cloak of darkness. I made sure the night patrol didn't spot me, and here I am writing in the storage of a wagon I jumped in right before the owner shone his lantern to see if anything was moving under the rags that conceal these unknown objects hauled in. Call me crazy, this can inflict heavy consequences on me, probably from Canada's prime minister and definitely from my boss. I forgot to mention something unexpected that occurred on the twenty-third of January while I was still in the Philippines. Months after our annexation, they wanted to declare themselves a republic. Possibility being we annexed them and they didn't favor it. The battles were brutal, guerrilla wars are the worst I know so far. The wagon is coming to a halt and I think I heard two voices speaking in French. Am I at the correct place? Wherever I am, I need to find a way to get Matthew's caretaker alone so we can talk in private. I extremely prefer to keep this whole escapade confidential, for my sake of course.

Your keeper, Alfred

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