Where I am Tells What I'll Do (America)

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23 October, 1917

        Where I am, I'm in France. A synopsis of the large gap of time: my role was assigned to lead the A.E.F and I'm underground; landed a day before the 4th of July, a day before my birthday. The sad part was, no one knew. When the 4th of July came around, instead of resigning in my bunker to have a bottle of red wine, I had to tread on dead corpses and lead us all to meet with the nearest Ally in the region. Blowing through wave after wave of German soldiers, this took place in our trenches, thank God we had mapped the whole location. Scoping for our French Allies, they weren't anywhere to be seen. Were they in Paris, protecting the capital? We then tried looking for our British Allies, and spotted their tanks firing at biplanes bearing the Iron Cross yards away from us. Once the heavy smoke vanished, no traces could be found except the dead so we assumed they kept marching onward their designated destinations. The last Allies we tried looking for were our Canadian Allies, but for some reason, I didn't want to meet with them. Yet, two is better than one, right? Taking shelter in heavy foliage, all of tomorrow will be dedicated to marching through more corpses, I can see all of the desperate faces waiting to "Get it over with."

Your keeper, Alfred

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