The Great Depression (Canada)

147 11 0

20 February, 1929

Is it morning already? I can't even tell anymore.

Everyone is gloomy around here, they all tell me about their concern about how the stock market is beginning to show signs of trouble. It certainly is scaring me, least to say. It's stressful how I can't do anything to help because I don't know what to do. Not only that, what can I do? I'm just me. Ever since I returned from France I've been questioning my purpose. Why am I living in THIS house with all these important people? How and why am I so important as well? What can I do here? Why am I "special"? Well, no, I know why.

It's sad how I can't tell what will happen in the future, that all I can do is sit and wait for the events to come. Don't you ever feel like you want to know what will happen before it happens so you can prevent it from happening? This situation we're all in is not something I'd like to go through. Not at all.

I better start conserving my papers. The ones I use are fairly expensive and are not really processed much anymore. It's all natural and the texture is the same as the texture of pages you'd find in century old books, that durable.

Your friend, Matthew

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