Another War? (America)

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24 April, 1898

        Dear Diary, I overheard my boss saying we were to declare war yesterday. We weren't the ones who started it, though, it was out of sympathy for the rebels in Cuba trying to win their independence from Spain. As for Spain, they declared war on us today. I can't understand our change in attitude, whatever it may be, whenever we hear the word "independence". We're so passionate about it, maybe it's because of our experience. There was a sinking of a battleship aboard a harbour, now we're moving this war towards the Pacific. Specifically the Philippines. Plans are being made this very moment over where to dock around Manila Bay so that we can surround the blockading Spanish fleet. I'll be deployed tomorrow so I don't have much time to write. I will bring you along with me, so I can document everything that happens. I'll try to send letters to Matthew because I'm pretty sure he'll be worried like last time. God, when was the last entry I wrote that didn't involve me having to take lives? Let me lighten this one up then: Eleventh of November, Washington was admitted in statehood. My boss and I held a national celebration in Washington's favor, he was really enthusiastic about it. Prior to when I start packing up my things, I'm going to write a permission letter to Matthew's Prime Minister and Caretaker to see him before I'll be off. I want to reassure him that I'll be okay the whole way through, and he'll be the first person I'll come to when I return. This letter has to be received by five o' clock noon, an hour before Matthew is sent to bed. Can you believe he still has a sleeping schedule? I was released from mine years ago! It's twelve o' clock afternoon and I'm in Maine. From now on until the end of this war, I have to keep my entries short and direct, cut to the chase even. Time is becoming short as the years past by, advances in technology says so.

Your keeper, Alfred

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