An Unfamiliar Surrounding (Canada)

177 13 0

3 October, 1902

        Dear Diary, good news, I received a calendar! Using the date from my last entry written in March, about seven months had passed in the duration from the time of the entry to right now on the ship's deck. The captain shouted of a city and piers to be seen ahead. I'm estimating around two months spent sailing home. I don't recognize this area to comprehend our whereabouts, it doesn't appear to house the same boardwalk as the one I walked on two years ago. We're probably in another section of a province that I haven't discovered yet. That sounds unconvincing saying how I was born in the country and how frequent international traveling was for me. Hey, it will definitely be more peaceful than the place I was content on leaving behind forevermore. Oh! It looks like we'll be docking in twenty minutes. Till I return to my bedroom, you'll be secured in my bag for now. I almost lost you to the same person I mentioned before who went through my belongings and shortly interrogated me. A scary experience to have been placed in.

Your friend, Matthew

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