What Had Happened When I Was Gone? (America)

147 12 0

17 May, 1919

        I have come home not too long ago. It wasn't what I had expected it to be like, especially counting the amounts of closed entertainment centers and people walking the streets wearing face masks. I don't know what happened when I was gone, but from the looks of it and the many ambulances cramming the streets, I could tell it was not good. You could say that I suspected from the slight pain I began feeling in my lower-right hip, right next to where my appendix used to be. The pain escalated slowly from there and still is as I write. At this moment the pain has spread just below my right arm. Very unfortunate, I won't be able to write any more entries until this whole ache is taken care of. I'm predicting it won't take too long, I've been in situations like these before.

Your keeper, Alfred

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