My Pile of Letters From Alfred (Canada)

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20 December, 1898

        Dear Diary, Alfred hasn't returned from the Philippines. It's been eight months since his departure, and a pile had been made in a corner of my room due to all of the letters he's sent me. The letters keep coming, so I don't feel tense. Oh, it's five days until Christmas and I really wish he could be here to celebrate the holiday with me. That can't happen, sadly, he's miles away from the United States and me. I have two newspaper clipping on my desk, one from today and one from the thirteenth of August. The one from August tells that U.S. troops succeeded in capturing Manila from the Spanish and the one from today claims the annexations of other locations such as Guam, Philippines and Puerto Rico. They're far from where I am, and I hear very little information about them. These are great achievements and I can sense how proud Alfred must feel for his troops and himself. I should reward him somehow, give him something special when he returns. I have a lot of time to figure out what it is I'll get him. I also heard that troops in Cuba are making good progress, that's a plus. The supper bell is ringing, so I shall close this entry here.

Your friend, Matthew

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