Conflicts in the East (Canada)

161 13 0

8 February, 1904

        Dear Diary, the rumors were true; Russia has been acting strange. His behavior exceeded into Asia and Japan wasn't too happy about it. What happened then, you ask? A war, that was what happened. Today. News are being pressed that a Japanese fleet attacked a Russian naval squadron at Port Arthur and began besieging it. This is how I perceive it, a European Power against an Asian Power. I haven't gave much thought about what goes on in the Far East due to my and my alliance's affairs. For example, a problem has been addressed to us by our island ally. A frightful suspicion had been brought up to the table this evening, and it takes place in Europe. A letter sent from Britain reads that from Imperial Germany, quote upon quote, "Isn't looking too stable in their economic category." For one, their government is slowly failing and several crowds are considering to end it and start anew. There will never be a time where everyone will agree on the question whether to start new or not, obviously an agreement like that is impossible. Britain is hoping not to go on the offensive if Germany becomes too out of control, another waged war caused by poor decisions that he wasn't involved in seems pointless. As for the other countries next and near Germany, they're on their toes anxious to see what chaos would erupt; if it ever does. One can never be sure, right? The last thing I would want out of this whole conflict is to be dragged into it. I know it's the same for the people down below me. Who likes having to solve someone's problem when they can't do it themselves?

Your friend, Matthew

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