Such Little Time (Canada)

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24 April, 1898

        Dear Diary, I received a parcel from Alfred given to me from Caretaker. How many caretakers had passed away? Why have I not passed away with them? My skin is still smooth, unlike their's which are wrinkly. This thought appears occasionally, it makes me quite sad. Inside the parcel was a letter asking permission for him to see me before he is deployed overseas to the Philippines tomorrow morning. I looked up at Caretaker if he'll grant me the permission, he smiled and nodded. Well this means I'll be driving to Maine in a few hours. I was told to take a nap so I'll have more energy during our departure, but that cannot happen since I'm trying to muster all the things I want to say to him before he starts walking up the boardwalk. Papers are loitering my floor, but I'll clean it up later. For now, I'm busying myself with paragraphs talking about how he shouldn't try to get himself killed and to never stray from his significant objective of this war. It's half passed five o' clock sunset and I'm lighting my candles. Multitasking is becoming difficult for me, and I'd rather not be required to wear glasses faster than I intend to (which I don't) just because I had to keep jotting more words down on paper after the sun set in the West. I noticed how fast time passes, I rarely move about the world unless if it's important like businesses or trade. Unlike Alfred who can't sit still and moves about frequently. He has a lot of freedom to do so, it's hilarious. I'm not joking! Every time we meet for the past year he's been telling me stories about other countries and his international travels. From New York to Texas, Connecticut to Massachusetts, Louisiana to Washington, Florida then back to New York. He has a lot of states, it seems impossible to keep track on every single one of them. My satchel is laying on my nightstand waiting to be filled with objects I'd like to bring with me to Maine, including you, diary.

Your friend, Matthew

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