The Great War, Europe is in Chaos and so am I (America)

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17 July , 1915

        A considerable amount had passed these many years. Why did I pick this date to write? Complete chaos had erupted in Europe not too long ago, thank a couple of people for informing me. Matthew said to meet him because he wanted to confront the German who blew a railroad bridge. It was that significant according to him. I won't recall what he did to the man, but what I can say is how angry he was; angry as to start screaming and talk rapidly in French. On the other hand, or rather fist, the prisoner didn't speak English nor understood what was being shouted to him.

After that was over, Matthew and I had a talk about what was happening in Europe, he mentioned about meeting with the Allies and share plans against the Central Powers. We all met at an isolated meeting room. All of the representatives from all of the countries whom were at war with Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottomans were there. The representatives of Great Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, and Serbia along with me (the United States) and Mat (Canada). The representatives from Italy and Japan were supposed to attend, but I guess they were busy with their own affairs. Their names were on a bulletin board, though. None of them looked happy, and Belgium was steaming. I'd like to tell you their names at the end of this entry because what we discussed was very detailed. The meeting started and Great Britain's representative was up first (we all took turns speaking). He went into depth about the first battle against Germany with him and France's representative at Marne; the successful counterattack. He also explained forces beginning to dig trenches in preparations of war underground. When it was France's representative's turn to speak, he exaggerated about the air raid on Paris and how many of his civilians were extremely shaken. Not to mention the cramps that kept him up at night.  When it was Serbia's representative's turn to speak, he boomed about the declaration of war from Austria-Hungary and the absolute support from Russia. Belgium's representative slammed her hands on the table and shouted how neutrality wasn't enough to peacefully keep the "Stubborns" off her land. I could only look at her with agreement in my eyes knowing how I thought neutrality or isolationism would keep me from having to fight.  Russia's representative spoke of his defeat and the imprisonment of many in his Second Army. My turn finally came and I addressed the sinking of a passenger ship sailing towards Great Britain by a U-boat as well as my declaration of war against Germany. I also addressed the bombing of the Canadian railroad bridge which caught FR's attention. Why didn't anyone know that it was Mat's turn? The meeting was over and everyone was heading their own ways. GBR and FR were walking together talking about battle plans as well as arguing here and there (they did almost the whole meeting), BR storming towards her car, SR and RR walking to their taxis. As for Mat and I, he was glowering. Too concerned to not calm him down, I tried to pat his back but had my hand smacked away. 

"Don't even try, I have to be dragged in a multi-nation genocide when I didn't even do anything. Plus, I didn't have my turn to talk and talk about my issues! I saw Papa there, and neither he acknowledged me nor did everyone else. Can't you feel anything when you're going to be sent with me to France and have to use the dusty gun again? Or when you had declared war on Germany, didn't you feel any guilt? Even anger?"

"You're mad Mat, calm down. And yes, I do feel something, in fact, a lot of things. For one I don't want to have to fight against Germany and the Central Powers more than you don't want to, but what other choice do I have? Do we have? If we don't do anything, all of Europe and our Allies would surely falter. I was torn with the murder of many innocent citizens on that ship just wanting to sail elsewhere! That was merciless!"

"I'm not mad, Alfred, I'm enraged! For the whole time you've known me, you should know this is the last thing I would want to be forced to do! But, it's worse than that. My father, I can tell as fact, is slowly dying inside from the invasions already going on! Remember the invasion and the air raid he told us all, and how that man from Great Britain had to fight alongside Papa? The only reason that will be keeping me sane is the fact that I'm in to save Papa's life, saving his whole from becoming occupied; from the worse."

"I understand you're trying to look out and do all you can to save your dad, but you also have to look out for the millions of other people who are at stake. Thousands are being persecuted as we speak, everywhere, not just in Europe but also in Asia. You need to look at the outer reality too!"

"Stop saying you understand when you don't! Have you ever had a father who for once cannot take care of himself although he doesn't show it? Have you ever had parents? He's all I have left because I never met or knew my mother. She could've been dead long ago! You do not know the peer pressure I'm in and you never will!"

No, no I never knew what it was like to have parents. The closest I felt to a true family member was a man from Great Britain who was ordered to look out for me as I grew up. It's funny, I couldn't seem to remember his name, but I do now, I've seen him again after so long. This wasn't a smart thing to do, rather a rude thing to do, but I left without a word. Already Mat was really mad at me and wanted nothing more than to be left alone. I have this feeling I won't be talking to him much on the way to France, it's hurting me to write that. This whole entry is hurting me to write. However I did say I'd name all of the representatives at the meeting, here they are, first and last name/ first name:

Representative of Belgium: Emma

Representative of Canada: Matthew Williams/Mathieu Williams

Representative of France: Francis Bonnefoy

Representative of Great Britain: Arthur Kirkland

Representative of Italy: Feliciano Vargas (Absent)

Representative of Japan: Kiku Honda/ Honda Kiku (Absent)

Representative of Russia: Ivan Braginsky

Representative of Serbia: (No Name Plaque)

Representative of the United States of America: Alfred F. Jones

Your keeper, Alfred

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