From the ICU to Europe (America)

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8 December, 1941

I should've been more aware of the other countries around me. Especially now that the world has been tossed into yet another eruption. To even think those quiet islanders in the east of Asia would've remained cordial with us, oh I was surely mistaken. I exited the ICU yesterday almost in tears because Hawaii is in critical condition, and the doctors there are telling me she might not survive.

I'm flying back to France again. My boss along with everyone else had finally snapped and declared war. I just know in my gut that this war will be more brutal than the last, especially since new countries I haven't even heard much from are being invaded and/or entering on the other side. Matthew had already packed. I told all of this to him in a fit of anger, and he replied with saying that he would be on our side every step of the way.

"I'm also doing this for papa. I can believe a nation as strong as his could fall so quick to a nation as powerful as Germany, a force to be reckoned with."

So it's settled then. Matthew's out at sea and I'm crossing the Atlantic once again. There are innocent people being persecuted in the occupied countries right now, and thinking of all that is being afflicted on them is extremely painful. We need to figure out a way to liberate them fast. I am to meet with the same allies as before. However, the following will not attend:

Mr. Honda

Mr. Vargas

Mr. Braginsky

The reason is they had joined on the other side, one of them even going to the extent of personally shaking hands with the enemy and the other two signing their alliance. I guess they had their fingers crossed behind their back when they signed the document. What a pain.

Your keeper, Alfred

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