Fun and a Few Oddities (Canada)

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 28 October, 1902

        Dear Diary, I knew bringing you along was a good idea. Taking time off from work showed to be good on behalf of my health, all of the distress worldwide is altering my mood terribly. What is the stress you ask? Let me start by saying that a little rumor was being distributed around town that Russia has been seeming a little off lately. From what we know so much about the country is pretty large, and so is their reputation. Again, these are rumors which are not guaranteed to be true, yet can be proven. Sitting on the washroom floor, I will write of the events that had happened today. Worry not, this is a positive entry. The day started by me waking up to Alfred almost having my entire body off his bed. Groaning in the uncomfortable position, I tried nudging him back. In response he shifted my body closer to the edge and the uncomfortable situation grew. I shouldn't have done this, but I picked up a pillow and slammed it in his face. Pardon my rude behavior; it ended in us smacking each other with pillows and laughing till our ribs ached. Refreshing from my bed-head state I sat down at the table just in time to see his caretaker exit the kitchen with a platter of breakfast. Staring at him for a spell, he set the platter down, clasped his hands together, and expressed his sincerest apologies. Really, it wasn't necessary, I guess he thinks me of high authority? Funny. I assumed Alfred reached the end of the stairs, for sounds of feet scuffing the floors and the shut of a door soon followed suit. I wish I could've catch whiff what they were talking about because when they joined me at the table, Al's face had a ripe red tone to it. Breakfast was surprisingly bustling with conversation, I'm usually used to little side talks here and there. Once breakfast was over, we packed up and headed towards the lake Alfred had been mentioning a great many. The weather was at its best and the sun was out bright. Oh, the conversations we had together were entertaining to say the most that I lost track of time.

"So I'm guessing that this weather would be considered boiling to you?"

"I wouldn't use the term 'boiling', but a little warmer than average since you are closer to the equator than I am."

"One day I'd like to challenge you in a sport, I bet I'll be the one triumphing down the streets."

"Hey, you can't assume that! What about if I win? What will I receive?"

"I haven't thought of that. What would you want?"

"I'll give you an embarrassing nickname."

"An example?"

"Either Al or Alfie. Your name sounds like a dog."

"If we're going to have nicknames as our prizes then mine for you will be Mattie. Your name sounds like a girl."

"Oh, Al, I always find you as my own personal wonder-wall."

"Ha ha, what's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're always full of surprises. One of these days I want to find a slit and see what's on the inside, the vibrant, honest inside."

"That's nice you're thinking like that, but, I doubt that'll ever happen for as far as we know. It takes a lot for one to unravel me no matter how close the person. Though, Mattie, I hope you know I do say the same."

"Oh really? Not even as close as I am to you right now?"

"Physically, it would make me queasy."

"What about now?"

"Mat, no, don't."

"Mark this as my first attempt Al!"

"Ack, get off Mat - who said you could touch me, that's not fair!"

        Expected, my first attempt at breaking him (not negatively) was unsuccessful. Diary, something peculiar occurred when I was wrestling with him in my attempt. While struggling to release himself from my grip, blindly his finger scraped the odd curl on my head. I've tried to brush it down, but the feeling is really...weird. When I poke it, I get this odd sensation run down my spine. Do you have any thoughts about this? I got the same feeling when Al's finger did that; in response my body jittered vigorously. An oddity to be observed more in depth. Cutting right to the point, Alfred looked at me with a confused expression clearly saying, "Did I do something wrong?"

"Why did you shiver? Are you cold?"

"No I feel fine, at least, I think so."

"Was it because of this curl on your head?"

"Ah I'd prefer you not touch it again!"

"Sorry. I think I have the same thing as you do. Look here," he pointed to his head, "I have difficulty taming this section of hair. I suppose you to be the same?"

"Yeah, I do too. Can I poke it? I'll only do it once."

"Go ahead."

        The queerest reaction came out of him: he started to slightly sweat and heat up. So his supposition was correct, we have the same reactions.

"Let's just try to avoid from doing that again, agreed?"

"I'd be more than happy."

        Upon our arrival back to his house, his caretaker received telephone calls from multiple wires reaching about that my escort was entering the state and to be prepared in about two hours or three. I claim this day to be eventful, but now I must return back to my own house and ready for the latest issues. It was fun while it lasted, but fun doesn't last forever. Captivated in the upper washroom, I conclude this entry by saying that I hope I have not jinxed anything in the future. We wouldn't want that, won't we?

Your friend, Matthew

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