I Can See Them Abroad the Coast (America)

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30 April, 1898

        Dear Diary, I will divide this entry into four sections, I don't think recording entries of the events in every single day will be good. It's a waste of paper. I will only write of the events concerning battle, and maybe the letters I sent to Matthew. This entry will fill in the amount of days I am here, one paper is all I need. This first section will be about our arrival to our destination, let's hope no one or me gets injured.

         Our arrival in Manila Bay at a few past 11:00p.m. near dawn. There are ships aligned the coast waiting for us. They are mighty in appearance, their spirits must be so as well. I'm writing Matthew how it looks like from my view, I hope he won't tremble too much.


        Second section: preparations. Readying myself for battle. A couple of weeks passed. I'll be leading the ships along with Adm. Dewey. Orders haven't been given to open fire yet. My letter was sent to Matthew about how big the squadron is and our anchored ship overlooking the coast. 


        Third section: open fire. 5:05a.m. shots can be heard in the distance. Orders are being carried out for one of our crews to begin moving. We're remaining anchored for now.

        5:15a.m. both sides are shooting. An explosion was heard and fire spat out from the squadron across us. I'm sitting with Dewey in his quarters, he's not telling us to let loose ammunition yet. How long will this hold last? Not sure. I'm writing to Matthew about the gunshots outside the windows.

        5:40a.m. returning fire. Dewey told the captain whenever he was ready, to spit out ammunition. I'm joining Dewey, let's see what lead looks like up close.


        Fourth section: victory. We silenced the coast of Manila Bay. The fleet surrendered as they realized they were low in ammunition. Break time given earlier provided them no benefits. War on a full stomach wasn't on their side. We should be returning home by tomorrow. For now, a celebration is giving way. I'm writing to Matthew about our victory, and to expect me home in a couple of months or so.

Your keeper, Alfred


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