Will Matt Still Be Able to See? (America)

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17 May, 1943

Oh god, one of Matthew's medical bases had been destroyed. We didn't expect this sudden offense to happen at three in the morning, and I still can't forget how the whole place had been set ablaze. There were tens upon tens of both wounded and medics running out of the tents screaming, some of them engulfed in the flames. Matthew ran in to bring out the remaining men in there, but just as I screamed for him to get out, another bomb had dropped and exploded next to his tent.

They wouldn't let me go. No matter how much I kicked or fought, they wouldn't let me go. I had to bite hard on one of their fingers, to at least loosen their grip, so they did, and finally I found myself sprinting frantically towards Mat. His body was under a log of timber, and it took me a couple of lifts to get it off. When I turned him over, his eyes were closed. But...they were bleeding. I'm damn certain anyone could hear my shouting for miles on end, because by the time I was done with the crude threats against the ones who's caused the destruction, the same two dragged me away and another two had rushed Mat to another relocated medical base along with a few surviving medics operating on him.

Is it just me that's left? No, no it can't be. I can't be the only one left to fight. Matthew has to get better soon, Arthur should have recovered by now and rushed back to France, Francis...where is Francis? What the hell is wrong? Why do things like this have to happen? Why can't we just have it easier? I'm sick and tired of all this! We're here fighting our asses off and so many are dying!

I want to go home. I want everything to go back as the way it used to be. I want to go back to where everyone was cordial, and there wasn't a worry for us in the world. Where I can be happy. Where Matthew and I were happy. Why is it so hard to return to what once was?

I'm scared. I know I don't admit it, but I'm scared. If I can't die, then I'll be suffering every second. It's terrifying to be alive, but that's just the way you're supposed to live. The constant fear pushes you to keep going- to motivate you to get yourself out of that mess. The only times you'll ever feel safe are the ones where you convince yourself that nothing will go wrong. But it will, and it always will. Because that's how you're supposed to live.

And I know it all too well. And I know it all too true. Because there is no way you'll always be happy, it's not human. There has to be something to take your happiness away, thus balancing you out.

And quite frankly, this has to happen to us of all people.

Your keeper, Alfred

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